Chapter 6: Will you be there?

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-June 4th,1983 5:00 pm-


Tonight is the night and I am excited about every bit of it and tomorrow which is a very special day .. My birthday which means I'm legal but I will make wise choices and won't do anything stupid just have alittle fun. It was now 7:30 and I was all dressed for the special performance, wearing my denim high waisted jeans with a rip white shirt and putting my hair into a ponytail with curls,waiting on Alexia too come my parents stop me and told me to seat down for a quick little chit chat. "We know tomorrow is your birthday all and we want you to have fun but we wanted you to have something" they said handing me a crystal diamond ring with the initial "V" carved into it. "What does the V stands for? "It's stand for staying pure till you meet the right one and you both decide to tie the knot okay sweetheart" my mom said planting a kiss on my cheek.i smiled and thank them as I was heading out the door getting into Alexia's car heading to first Avenue. Getting the place was packed with people but I didn't care as long as I could see him it didn't matter.


"Where could she be?" Is all that wondered in my head. I look through the crowd and thought I would see her it was too many people to look through.i sighed and looked down "you guys ready?" They know that meant to start playing. As the crowd seemed to get hyped I saw Cal in the crowd moving along to the beat I smiled and saw her winking at me and I made a head gesture for her to come behind the stage and stay alittle while. This night couldn't get any better I was loving every bit of it.

The show was really amazing and everybody was seeming to love the music and I was just in love with the man who was playing the music and looking so damn sexy. As the show was ending I saw him coming my way and looking at me and playfully saying "what you looking at" he said chuckling and kissing me on the cheek. I followed him and looked around "wow this a amazing dressing room someone has here" "thanks babe..decorated it myself" "do you know what Tomorrow is?" I said biting my lip. "Hmmm..someone's birthday perhap" he said pulling me into his lap. "Mine silly" I said playfully hitting him in his arm. "Okay okay you got me..what do you want for your birthday?" "Hmm surprise I like surprise it's fun" I said answering his question. It was 11:24 pm and it was already starting to rain "aww I'm gonna get all wet" I said looking out . "No you won't take this" as he was handing me his jacket I saw his initials P.N.R I didn't know what the n and r was for I ignored it and put the jacket on. The rain was pouring and all I cared about was getting home to my bed.  The ride home took longer than usual do the fact rain was coming down hard and I was really hungry so I stopped by the store and got a soda and a bag of chips. It's 12:01 am officially my birthday as I got the car Prince got out and walked me to the front door "happy birthday beautiful" the words that came from his mouth while planting a kiss upon my lips . I smiled and walked inside exchanging my wet clothes into my pajamas hopping into my bed.

Author's note

Aww cal and prince really are feeling each other. Since the next two parts of birthday editions they are gonna be 2 parts and extra juicy😏💕.

The night in First Avenue #Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now