Chapter 9: After

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-June 6th , 1983 7:00am-

I was sound asleep not knowing what was going on till I heard people coming into the house screaming one name..Prince. "Where am I?" Is the thought that wondered in my head I looked around and saw awards,guitars and clothing that a man would wear,I got out the bed to see I had on silk pajamas pants that was way to big for me and my bra I slide on the top and button it up and went downstairs to see what was going on.i walked down slowly seeing prince looking out the window standing in a straight position I came down and walk over to him "Morning" I said softly he turned around walking to me grabbing my waist kissing me saying "Good Morning beautiful,how was your sleep?" I yawned and smiled saying "I slept like a baby you have very nice comfortable sheets" he chuckled and said "why thank you baby" "who where all those people I heard?" I said looking with concern "just my publish,Manager and assistant they didn't wake you.they can be a bite loud" I giggled and turnt my head "no no they didn't I always wake up around this time anyway. As I was talking he brought me plate of nothing fruits,eggs and side of gelato which was my favorite "aww thank you baby" I said kissing him and smiling I ate the breakfast which was the most delicious breakfast I've ever had of 18 years of living.


She was so beautiful in my silk pajamas her hair laid smooth across her face I loved looking at her she was so beautiful till she didn't even know it. "I love you Cal" I said looking at her smiling and bitting my lip "aww I love you more" she said reaching over to kiss me . "I'm gonna go take a shower and get ready to go home I know you are tired of me" she said laughing "why I would be tired of my babygirl?" I said kissing her. As she went upstairs i call my stylist over to bring Cal a few outfits over as she came down they measured her from waist down "Oww I like this" she picking up a dress as she went to try it on I sat on the couch and waiting her patiently. "how does it look" she She spinning around smiling "everything you wear is beautiful" she blushed and hid her face "aww really baby" I nodded in response while passionately kissing her. I was already falling deeply for her.

-author's note-

Well it's that time where you guys get a 4pt chapter 😁💜. Cal is gonna give Prince something extra surprising for his 25th bday.

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