Part 1.

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{Ava POV}
As I sit in the corner of my room with a blank expression on my face and a half smoked cigarette in my hand, I take a few more puffs and flick it out the window. I slowly make my way to the bathroom, not worrying about my parents because they are always on business trips which means they aren't here.

My feet touch the cold tiles of the lifeless bathroom. I walk up to the basin and open up the cupboard. Out of the cupboard I pull out a small pouch which holds my most prised possessions, my razors. I know, you might be thinking I'm depressed or something but I'm not, I'm not asking for attention either because no one even knows about this. I do this because it makes me feel like I'm releasing all of the demons out of my body when I do it.

I take out my newest and sharpest razor and slowly but surely take it across the skin on my wrist. I let out a sigh of release and once finished, put the razor back in the pouch and clean up the mess I made.

Once I'm finished I walk back across the hall into my room and slip on my Metallica shirt with my ripped black jeans, black leather jacket, Doc Martins and my black fedora.

For my 17th birthday my parents got me a car. It's a jeep and I hate it. I climb into my car and blast The Killers all the way to school.

As I'm walking into school I'm greeted with the usual rude remarks "fat slut" "why the fuck is she still alive" "Eewww what the fuck is she wearing". I look up and give all those people a death stare followed by a sarcastic smile. I finally make it to my locker and grab my books for first and second period. Everything is going smoothly until I spot Sophia Healy and her clique coming my way. "Great" I mumble to myself.
"Oh My God, Ava you look disgusting as always" she says as she looks me up and down.
"Thank you for noticing Sophia I tried my hardest to look extra gross today" I said as her friends laughed at me
"I hope you don't mind but I have better things to do than listen to you insult me all day fuckwit, so bye". After I said that Sophia snared at me, turned around in a bitchy fashion and left to roll call.

never enough → josh william dunWhere stories live. Discover now