Part 12

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I wake up to my phone ringing. I pick it up to see it is 2 am, and the caller ID is my Dad. I haven't spoken to my dad after what he did to me.

"Hello" I say as I untangle myself carefull from Josh and get out of the bed

"Hi, Ava sweetie, I have some bad news" he says

"What is it?" I ask whilst yawning

"Your mum, she's sick. She has just been diagnosed with stage 3 breast cancer." He says apologetically.

"No, no. Everything was just getting better dad, she was getting better, we were getting better!" I scream into the phone

"Yes, now sweetie I need you to calm down." He says

"Or what, you'll hit me again!" I say.

"Ava Mae Bateman, how dare you bring that up! This is about your mother, not you! Stop being a selfish bitch!" My dad angrily says into my ear. "You will be coming to live with me and you mother in Colorado until she gets better or while she gets worse. She needs your support." Says my dad

"Dad, that's like an 18 hour drive away from Ohio! How am I going to see my friends and my boyfriend? My whole life is up here!"

"To be completely honest I don't give a shit how you are going to keep in touch with your friends and quite frankly what i've heard from your mother about that boyfriend of yours he sounds like a punk and I don't want you hanging around him at all! do you understand what I'm saying to you Ava?"

"Y-yes dad." I say, not believing what my dad is telling me to do. Is he telling me to break up with the only person that has been here for me while they weren't?!

"Good. pack your stuff. I will book you a flight for Tuesday morning. spend the next few days with your...your friends." says dad with disgust.

I hang up the phone. I'm too shocked to cry so I just stand there. My dad expects me to be there for the woman who has never been there for me once. Even when I was little, I spent most of my time with a nanny. I must of woken Josh with all of my yelling because before I know it he is standing in front of me rubbing his eyes.

"Hey Av, who was that?"

"Um, it-it was no one" I say looking away from Josh

"No Ava, tell me who it was." Josh says sternly

"It, It was my dad. I have to go to Colorado because my mum, she was diagnosed with stage 3 breast cancer" I say as I begin to cry

"No, Shh, don't cry Av. It's okay." He says as he hugs me

"No Josh, It's not okay, It's not okay because I have to leave in two days." I say as i push him away from me

"Y-you what.." Josh whispers

"Yep, I h-have to leave on Tuesday for a-a fucking y-year, until m-my mum gets bet-ter." I say hiccuping between words.

"No, no you're not Ava, I can't believe this is happening!" Josh says as he turns away and pulls at his hair

"I-i tried to argue with him, but there was nothing I could do!" I say crying

"I just need space Av, I need to process this all" Josh says as tears begin to stream down his face. "I'm going to go to Tylers, I will be back soon ok, I love you" He says as he kisses me. The kiss lasts for about ten seconds.

"I love you too Josh." I whisper.

And as he walked out the door, I feared that would be the last time I ever talked to him.

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