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one day, we'll fly away
to a home that only
exists in our minds

itsrayray: hey, how are you this fine morning?

rickthesizzler: Soraya texting first? better alert the media, this is a rare siting

itsrayray: keep going like that and it will be the last time you'll even get a text from me

rickthesizzler: no need to be fiesty, though it is a bit of a turn on ;)

itsrayray: do you ever talk about anything else?

rickthesizzler: not when you post hot asfffffffff ig's

rickthesizzler is typing..

rickthesizzler: like damn, those hoops suit you. wear them when we fuck

itsrayray: wtf? who said I even have a interest in you, creep.

rickthesizzler: because I bet you right now you're wondering who I am, all you know is my name and a couple of texts we've exchanged, don't deny that you don't spend your day thinking about me. I already know it ;)

itsrayray: you sure are a cocky one

rickthesizzler: it's not the only

rickthesizzler is typing..

itsrayray: OKAY I GET IT STOP

rickthesizzler: you sure? need me to send proof

itsrayray: I'll chop ur balls off if u do :))

rickthesizzler:  why you gotta me so rude? & what's up with the double smiles

itsrayray: don't you know I'm only human tooooo and its me showing my double chin lmao

rickthesizzler: ok

itsrayray: okay 2

rickthesizzler: okay 3

itsrayray: I want to meet you

rickthesizzler: how about we get to know each other better?

itsrayray: ok, where were you born

rickthesizzler: Ontario, Canada

itsrayray: hair colour?

rickthesizzler: blonde rn, but usually brown

itsrayray: uhm, age??

rickthesizzler: 22


rickthesizzler: something like that

itsrayray: ugh. fake fan

rickthesizzler: why are u a belieber??

itsrayray: well nahhhhhhhhh

rickthesizzler: sarcasm?

itsrayray: yes, my friend. yes

rickthesizzler: why do you like him so much?

itsrayray: get prepared for a long ass text

itsrayray: I like that he's real with his fans, he's honest and he owns up to his mistakes. & yes he makes quite a lot of them, but everyone does. If he didn't have the fame and all it wouldn't be a big deal that he's tried weed before or he smokes or he peed in a bucket or threw up on stage, everyone looks the negatives and it pains me to watch that. He's done so much good that no one is aware of, he's donated so much to those who are in need and he's devoted so much time to the make a wish foundation. He bloody perfomed with a broken foot, If that's not dedication I don't know what is. Not to mention, he's such a sensitive & mellow guy, so kind hearted and so pressured by the world it's remarkable, he stays so humble under the spotlight & that's impressive.

itsrayray: and he's hot :/

rickthesizzler: dang, you're dedicated yourself aren't you

itsrayray: of course, I support those who are worth of it

rickthesizzler: you think he's hot?



itsrayray: I really wanna meet him :(

rickthesizzler: yeah he's a cool guy

itsrayray: you know him?!

rickthesizzler: you'd be surprised baby girl, you'd be surprised.

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