twenty six

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[i have a math test Monday,
someone kill me??]


I stood there in shock, why would she say something like that? I've never done or said anything that would have an effect on her and her ego, it's not my fault people tend to attack her and call her an attention seeker and fake, that's her own problem.

I shook it off, I need to have a fun night, this is my first time being in the spotlight of "fame" I need to make the most of what I have for however long I'm able to have it.

"hey, I've been looking everywhere for you" Maejor swiftly walked over to me and gave me a hand up, pulling me into a hug, why does he have to be so touchy feely? like he's cute, and nice but I'm just not one that's all about affection, I never grew up with it.

"sorry I shouldn't have" he quickly lets go, seeing as I'm uncomfortable, he brushed off his shoulders and rocked back and forth on his heel, well talk about awkward silence

"well, do you want to head to the after party? it's a bit of a long drive from here so we may as well get going" he nods in agreement and leads the way to the car.

to my surprise I come across, none other than Selena Gomez herself, bitch better move if she wants to keep her head.

"oh hi, you're the Disney chick, yeah?" she grabs my wrist as I attempt to walk by, she has some corouge I'll give her that, but it's unfortunate for her, she doesn't know who she's messing with.

"soon to be, yes" I nod slowly, avoiding eye contact, I'd probably gauge her eye balls out if I even try.

"then why are you here?" she scoffed, letting go of my arm and lifting my face to see hers

"first of all; don't you dare lay one of your crusty ass fingers on me, or I promise I will file something against you, that won't look too good on your resmué now will it? and secondly; don't act as if being on a children's show is some kind of disease, you were on one yourself for a majority of your life, I for one am simply trying to show a positive outlook on life to the you get generation, if you'll excuse me I have places to be, and people to talk to"

I strided off confidently, not taking a second to look back. I could almost feel her eyes burning into the back of my skull, it was definetely one of my proudest moments.

"what was that about?" Maejor asks, sticking his head out of the car window

"oh, nothing, let's go" I smiled brightly and slid into the car, sitting on the opposite side of him

"so, what'd you get up to while I was on the carpet?" I asked, attempting to spark a conversation once more

"I ate food, a lot of it, oh and drank a lot of soda and champagne, and yeah ate more" he shrugged, kicking his feet up to the seat next to me

"I saw you getting all cosy with Bieber" I rolled my eyes and pushed his legs off of the seat playfully

"yeah you'd know, considering you're best friends" he nodded slowly, biting his lip

"anyways, enough of about that, how long do you want to stay at the party?" he said, directing the conversation somewhere other than justin, not that I'm complaining

"uhm I'm not sure, depends who's there, I heard that a few modelling agencies will be hanging around so I'm going to try to talk myself up" I winked, causing him to burst into a fit of heavy laughter

"I'm sure they'll sign you up just from the sight of you, speaking of which, you look beautiful" he said, a crimson red beginning to grow on his cheeks. he lays a hand on one of my thighs and rubs it in circles, before taking his hands back to his lap.

"thank you, you don't look too bad yourself" I smiled, trying to make him feel proud and happy as well.

there's only one problem, taking note of his actions tonight, I'm scared he may ask me on a date, yes I may be over thinking this or sound stuck up, but I really hope he doesn't.

I feel my phone buzz from inside of my clutch, having a rough idea of who it's from I open it up as quickly as I can and impatiently wait for the message to pop up on my screen.

justin: meet me out the back of the hotel, everyone will be inside so we can talk alone

soraya: okay, is something wrong?

justin: yes.

justin: c u then.

I stared at me phone confused and bewildered, until only one thought made its way into my mind.


yooo this chapter was so boring IK don't kill me it's just a build up to the next one, If any of you have any ideas on what you want to happen then commentttttt and I'll take it into deep consideration 💕

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-yaz 👸🏽

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