thirty six

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I've already thought of an ending :)
songs for this chapter: burning house- EZA.
rain poured down the windows of the café as i held tightly onto my cardigan, clinging it onto my body.

my thoughts are frazzeld it's like trying to put together a puzzle with missing fragments and broken edges, i can't even focus.

the ear piercing sound of my ringtone woke me up from my trance, helping me regain control of myself.

justin: where are you? im sorry if i got carried away, its just, you're so-

soraya: no it was all me, seriously. and im at a cafe, i don't know the name though.

justin: its okay, ill find you.

soraya: okay bye

justin: i-i love you.

i quickly hung up. im not in the right state of mind to be trying to grasp the fact that justin just told me he loves me. it can't be real.

granted, justin stormed through the café, a group of paparazzi trailing his every step. he turned around and shut the door, locking it and apologising to the manager, who just shrugged it off and continued to text.

"soraya, im so so so so sorry. are you okay? do you want my jacket? do you want something warm? i can buy it" he said, looking me over.

i could only imagine how horrible i look. i know im discoloured because every time i look down at my shaking hand, it's almost as white as snow. i thought it was supposed to be fall?

"no, im not hungry. sit down, i need to explain something" he gives me a quick hug and sits down on the seat directly opposite me.

"when i was a young girl, i thought affection was all i needed in life, you'd never see me without touching someone somehow. my hand would always be perched on someone's shoulder or my head against their chest. simply because i never got it, ever. but as i grew up, my body began to develop faster than everyone else - boobs and ass i mean. my father began to show more and more interest in me until one night when i was getting changed h-he barged in and.. uhm"

i tried to regather my thoughts but i couldn't, im too lost in the memory.

"hey, don't worry. i understand, you should've told me sooner princess, i would have been more careful. as for your father, he doesn't deserve a thing in this world for what he did" justin pulled me into his chest, kissing my forehead softly.

"i know, i just thought you'd see me differently" i buried my head into the crook of his neck and fiddled with his necklace.

"nothing would make me see you differently, okay? nothing" he tapped my chin, indicating for me to lift my head. as soon as i did, his lips smashed into mine.

"let's go home" he smiles weakly at me and grabs my hand, slowly walking out of the café.

once we got home i leaped into the bed, enveloping myself in the blankets and cuddling my pillow, i just needed to sleep.

"soraya baby girl, i love you so much. you've taught me all the greater things in life. the things that are better than money and fame, you've showed me the world in a different light, my perception on life is different now, i treasure it - just as i treasure you. thankyou for making me the person ive always aspired to become. you look so adorable right now, i wish i could just come here and hold onto you, but i have to go to the studio. ill be back before you know it. i love you - again"

he whispered, most likely thinking im asleep. i smiled to myself, what'd i do to deserve someone so amazing?

my chest aches, not because of sadness but because of love. i love him too, im just afraid to be vulnerable, i can't allow myself to be put into that position again, not yet at least.

hours ticked by, justin still hadn't returned back from the studio.

soraya laid on her back, sound asleep. she began to stir, moving side to side as the burning sensation got worse and worse.

she began to feel it crawling from her toes up to her chest, and that's when her eyes opened wide.

her screams echoed through the house, but no one could hear her. no one could save her now.

she looked around the room frantically for an exit as she slapped her pillow against her body, trying to dispel the flames.

the windows were wide open but there was no way she could jump from where she was and survive, she'd either have to leap to her death or burn.

she stood in the corner of the room, watching as the flames grew around her.

they say your life flashes before your eyes, and this is what ran through her mind. shes 19, innocent, and about to die. this is life, it's unfair and unpredictable.

her thoughts traced back to Justin, she'll never be able to say her last goodbye to him.

she felt the heat from the flames near her, she began to recite all the words she knew from the bible, hoping that for once, just once someone would answer her prayer.

as if on que, someone ran through the door, wearing a gas mask, his arms began to ignite but he responded fast enough to stop it from doing so.

sorayas eyes began trying to look through the mask, to find the persons identity.

"put this on" his voice said, you could hear the pain in his voice from a mile away, but he stayed strong, not allowing a single tear to fall down his face. he was strong for her, because she was all he had left, and he was about to lose her.

"hurry up we don't have time" he shouted, looking over his shoulder to see the flames coming closer and closer. soraya shook her head, adamant that she wasn't going to put it on and save herself over him.

"that's one thing I've always admired about you, your stuburness but it's not the time soraya, we have a matter of seconds to get out before we both die. one is better than two" he choked.

before she had time to reply he proped her onto his back and faced his body towards the opening of the window.

"tell me something, anything soraya" he begged, he wanted to hear her voice one last time.

"justin drew bieber, i love you with all i am as a person - this is so hard, i-im sorry jay" she whispered, pulling him behind her and wrapping his arms around her waist so now she was the one Infront of the window.

before he had time to stop her, she jumped.

she lost her life, but he lost his everything.

authors note;
soo.. yeah. that's the end !! the epilogue will be coming soon. im sorry i ended it so short, there just wasn't anything left to say.

i hope you enjoyed this book, the amount of support I've received is amazing.

keep a look out on my page because there'll be a new book going up today or tomorrow as well as the epilogue to this one. thankyou for sticking around guys.

love yaz ✨

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