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I looked at my phone in shock, did she really have the audacity to say something like that? and to think i was planning on making things official with her once tour began.

I was ready to settle down with her, to try to build something, I know we barely know each other and I know we've met up only a few times, but there's - was something about her that was different from the other girls.

I know I hurt her when I said the kiss didn't mean anything, because hell it did, we could've lit a fire considering how hot it was, but I was mad she didn't tell me when she went to audition, I still am. I deserved to know.

there's always going to be apart of me that longs for her presence but for now I need to focus on myself, if there's one thing I took into mind that she said it was about the tour, she's right; my beliebers mean everything to me and just because I went through a hard time doesn't mean I have to put them through one.

they've done so much for me, it's time I start doing the same. I'll contact Scooter later today to discuss rehearsals and casting for the dancers, I would have loved to have had Soraya dancing with me because I know from when we met up that she's done proffesional dance, but oh well, shit happens.

I sigh, rubbing my temples with my forefingers. I can't help but wonder if her and Dylan actually did do something, or if they have a thing going on, I mean Sarbie - or whatever the fuck her name is, seemed pretty adamant that they are/do.

I just need a distraction for the time being, I need someone who can help take my mind away from her, I need a good time.

to: maejor & kahil
wanna go out tonight?

I hadn't asked to do something with the both of them in forever so I can only imagine how pissed or hurt they are, but a guys night would for sure bring us back together.

from: kahil
you finna get some ass 2nite

I couldn't help but laugh at his response, it's so typical of him to say something like that, it's almost natural to expect it.

from: maejor
dk bout u guys but imma get myself some chocolate ;))

oh and there goes Maejor, surprised? not one bit, they're both trying to convince me to "explore the unexplored and take a dip into the dark side" as they put it. I'm not so sure that's what I'm looking for, all I want is a bit of fun, the last thing I can handle is a serious relationship, those are too much effort.

to: maejor & kahil
I just want someone to handle 🍆 you guys go searching for that lucky lady

I really wish them both the best with girls tonight, they're both so up tight, they could do with a good night. I'm not usually this horny or eager, but tonight I just want to forget everything - I just want to forget her, even for a few seconds.

from: maejor
aight kid, meet us @ trousdale in 1 hour

I brush my hand through my hair and roll my eyes, there are defiantly going to be paps there, but whatever, not like I haven't had to deal with them before anyways.

[1 hour later]

I walk through the opening of the club after greeting the bouncer, and instantly the smell of alcohol filled my lungs and the sight of so many ass's grinding almost made me pass out.

"Dance with me" I heard a voice shout from behind me, I turned around to face the young girl that was pulling on my arm, she must be at least 17, way too young to be at a bar that's for sure.

"Are you legal?" I questioned, listen when I'm pissed and bothered I'll probably fuck any woman with a pulse, but I do have morals - and I also don't want another Maria situation happening so I do like to know a bit about the person before we get into the good shit.

"No, but what does it matter? no one else here seems to care, after all everyone here just wants to have a good time, you want that too?" her thick French accent filled my ears with joy, I do love a girl who can speak more than one language, it's my biggest turn on.

"Oui belle" I wink, and drag her to the dance floor, her body quickly makes contact with mine, slowly moving back and forth over my brotherhood. I let out a grunt as she starts speeding up, fuck. I really needed this.

I pull her up to face me and wrap my arms around her waist, pulling her in for a make out. As soon as our lips collide she asks for entry, and of course I accept, we both fight to dominate, and I let my hand fall down to her ass, I squeeze it gently, making her moan in between the kiss.

"Justin?" I push her off of me and turn around, the girl Infront me is not who I remebered, her hair was messy and her eyes had bags hovering under them, her mascarra was smeared and her cheeks were stained with tears.

"Is that you?" her voice cracked, making me grimace in pain. I never meant to inflict so much pain on her that she would resort to alcohol, I wouldn't do that to anyone, but especially her, no matter the situation.

"Soraya, what are you doing here?" she walked closer to me, so that only inches were seperating us, with a few deep breaths she finally spoke up,

"Trying to forget about you" she whispered, she gave me a weak smile and headed towards the exit of the club, I want to run after her, I want to hold her in my arms and tell her how sorry I am, but can't, I can't seem to even move a muscle in my entire body, so i stood there completely bewildered, asking myself the same question over and over.

what have I done?


guys legit I update too much, but I'm just addicted to writing this story okay? so don't kill me, if you don't like me just say so and I won't post as much as I do now. Anyways I'm horrible at writing dirty - probably because I'm most likely the only person on wattpad who has never encountered anything remotely dirty in their entire life (to be fair I'm not that old) but still, sorryyy I did try my hardest.

anyways, hope you enjoyed this part I thought it was different - kinda, lmao throwing it back too part 1 when he snapchatted her at the club, baahaha but it's been like a week or two and I've already written 16 parts so this shit is moving fast, and I'm sorry I've been neglecting my other story FOSTER, I've just been so caught up in this one.

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- yaz 💕

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