fourty five

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moving on.
CONGRATS for making it to the end.

HMU with ur imsg i'll make a gc x (26.04.18)

i dragged my luggage behind me, taking a step with every click it made against the marble floors of the airport.

"you're sure you want to do this? there's no turning back now" sabrina mentioned.

"i think we all need a fresh start, plus florida fits all of us because that's where im filming and so is dylan. you might even be able to find a position in the job you want" i gave her a weak smile and continued to walk.

"yeah i guess" she muttered under her breath

"okay guys, i got our drinks" dylan exclaimed, loud enough to drag all attention on us, making sabrina and i simultaneously slap his arm.

"thankyou" i chirped, snatching my coffee out of his hands and guiding it to my lips.

im not sure if it's scientifically proven for coffee to instantly improve your mood, but im telling you now, it happens.

"flight 2 to florida will be boarding in ten minutes, please make your way to gate seven" the woman's voice traveled through the speakers, making everyone's heads turn.

"that'd be us" dylan pulled on both of our arms and lead the way over to our gate.

the line was long - tremendously long. since i had a feeling we'd be waiting a while i pulled out my phone and began to play one of my newest game addictions 'rolling sky'

my continuous shouts of profanities were interrupted by someone shouting my name.

i whipped my body around and began to look all over the gate for whoever it was, thinking it was a fan i stepped out of the line, only to be greeted by a muscular chest hitting my own.

"soraya, please don't leave. i know you don't love me anymore but that doesn't change how i feel, and who we are - what we are" he whispered, tightening his grip on my waist.

"justin, im only going to ask once, please kindly let go of me and take a step back" he instantly released me of his hug and did as i said.

"why, why are you leaving?" he mumbled, brushing his hair through with his fingers.

"because i need time to find myself again, lord knows ive been through enough, and so have you. it's only right to do this, im doing you a favour too. now if you'll excuse me, my friends are waiting for me and my plane is about to board" as i began to turn around, i was stopped by his strong hold.

memories began to flood back of the last time this happened. if only we were able to chuck some out, id have a rubbish tin full of regrets and empty promises.

"soraya, please. i know you don't-" by now i was infuriated.

"don't you dare say that i don't love you, because we both know that's false, and if you truly did believe i don't care for you, then you wouldn't be so adamant that im going to go running back to you just because you decided to say an unnecessary goodbye. i still love you and i always will, but that doesn't mean that im in love with you anymore. ive risked my life and my career for you, yet that was never enough. we became toxic, to the point where it was painful to look at you, and then you kissed my best friend and didn't even think to mention it to me. that's not how relationships work, that's not how we were supposed to work"

before he had a chance to hold me back once more, i ran onto the plane, chucking my boarding pass at the lady stamping them.

i looked back, for memories sake; and there he was, pacing back and forth with his hands digging into his skull.

i furrowed my eyebrows and found my seat. i can't keep worrying about him, it didn't work.

i believe everything happens for a reason, and that's why im leaving - not to escape, or too run from my problems, but to have a fresh start.

i just need to remind myself to never open snapchats of guys ive never met before, who knows, they could be famous.

authors note;
and that my friends, concludes this book. yes, before you ask, this does mean it is over. but since some wanted a sequel i think ill make one, but im still considering it.

i do have another story in the making so im unsure which to publish, any suggestions would be much appreciated 💖

thankyou to all of you who stuck by this long, i see all of your comments and do the best i can to reply. don't be scared to pm me either ✨

sometimes i see people who've been here since 2k vote and comment and it truly makes my day, wether you've only found this book today or the day it was published, you guys mean sooo much to me and im glad im finishing this book with so much pride and joy.

if i do decide to do a sequel, it will be up sometime this week, so keep an eye out 💖

- yaz

(p.s, im officially not so young anymore)

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