twenty seven

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[justins pov]


no words could describe how hurt I am by the words that had just been uttered my way, she betrayed me, she lied, and she deceived, there's probably not a thing she could say right now that could ever change my current opinion on her, I'm just lucky I have people like Hailey to help me through this, and to be honest and kind and tell me the things I need to hear.

"Justin?" I heard the sweet voice behind me say softly, God, I wish I didn't like the way my name fell out of her lips so much.

"we need to talk" I cross my arms over my chest and lean back onto the buildings side, resting my back against the cold bricks.

"okay, go ahead" she gestures for me to continue and sits down on a small crate Infront of me, laying her dress underneath her thighs

"I've been recently informed by a trustworthy source that you only bothered seeing me because I'm famous and you wanted some spotlight so this'd give you a head start, that's why you took Maejor with you, not me" I heard her scoff and stand up, walking towards me

"let me guess, your 'trustworthy source' is Hailey?" she says, raising her hands to put quotation marks around the two words

"it doesn't matter who told me, it matters that they told me, not you" I said, emphasising the words.

"I only went with Maejor because you were going with her, I didn't have anyone else and I didn't want to rock up alone, sure he's really kind and funny and would be a great friend but I see him as nothing more than that, Justin, you have to believe that I care for you more than words can describe" she reached her hand out to touch me arm, but I lightly nudged it away, making her frown

"I don't know what to believe" I whispered, just loud enough for her to hear.

"I'm not going to make you choose between the two of us, I'm not that person, but, who was there when you were at your worst? me, who was there at your best? me, who stood by you even when you were a dick to me? me, take that into consideration next time" she pressed her lips into a hard line, being done with what she had to say.

"I just need time - away from you, to figure my emotions out" I  watched as her eyes swelled and the water accumulated, threatening to pour out at any given moment

"okay, just remeber im here for you, always" she raised herself onto her toes and planted a kiss on my cheek, before walking off back into the car she arrived with.

at this very moment, I felt nothing, needless to say, I just most likely - probably - actually definetely made the worst desicion of my life.

(a/n just pretend she's shorter than our small baby bear, okay?)

hailey: did you say what I told you?

justin: well yeah but it doesn't feel right

justin: this was all a mistake, I'm gonna go after her

hailey: Justin STOP. you need a break. so does she. accept it.

justin: okay, yeah, you're right.

hailey: always am ;)

hailey: pop overrrrrrr 💕💕

justin: going 2 the studio, sorry. I need to get my mind of things, bye.

hailey: text me when you are done! ❤️

sorry this part was so short, I'm currently studying for mid- yearly exams :/

thankyou so much for so many comments and votes and reads, only 400 more reads until 4K THATS INSANE!

make sure to vote and comment 🌸

- from the weird ass girl who can barley write stories but is very very greatful for your support (aka) yaz

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