twenty nine

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[guys I'm about to cry, 300 more reads till 5k]


I placed a hand over my eyes, shielding them from the Suns bright rays that have now filled up the hotel room.

I opened one eye at a time, slowly - before dragging myself off of the bed and sticking my phone into my pocket on the way to the bathroom, I plugged it into the portable speaker I brought with me and pressed shuffle

I turned my head to face the mirror and studied my features carefully before sighing and tucking my baby hairs behind my ears

I looked like a mess, the bags under my eyes were dark and veiny, not to mention the lack of colour in my cheeks. I pinched them and soon enough a flow of crimson red had filled my face

I breathed out heavily, searching around my room for my makeup bag, after a few short minutes I had located it and placed it onto the counter Infront of me.

(a/n do you guys know any great makeup products I should invest in?)

I pulled out my foundation and concealer, applying those quickly and smoothly, then once I had finished getting rid of the streaks I applied my powder, blush, contour, highlighter, eyeshadow, liner and mascara.

I smiled in satisfaction and brushed my teeth, making sure to avoid the foundation I had just applied, usually I don't do this after doing my makeup but I'm a clutz and forgot

I skipped out of my bathroom, singing along to the song that began to play.

"you were dancing in your tube socks, in our hotel room, flashing those eyes like highway signs, light out up and hand it over rest-" I began to cheerfully scream out the lyrics before being interrupted

"you okay there?" dylan laughed, I sent him a glare and threw one of my pillows his direction, but of course he managed to catch it mid air

"morning to you to" I walked over to his way and pulled him into a hug

"I already packed my bags, want some help with yours?" I nod eagerly, there's no way I can do it all myself. I don't just look for clothes, I basically cause a hurricane when looking for a specific item, any help is much appreciated

an hour passed and we had finally finished with the last room, we have eachother a high five and collapsed onto the sofa behind us

"wanna go grab some food? we only have a few hours left, may as well do something with it" he asks, checking his watch

"sure, any suggestions as to where you'd like to go?" only problem I have with New York is that there aren't many secluded areas, it's all hustle and bustle, which can get quite suffocating to say the least

"uh, juice bar?" I nod in agreement and we both slide our shoes on, grabbing whatever we'll need for the day, and heading out.

I made sure to put an alarm on my phone that is set to go off at 3pm, so that we have enough time to collect our luggage and be at the airport in time, meaning we have exactly four hours

"can you call the uber? after wanna spend a few minutes with the girls out there?" I ask, pointing over to the (around) 10 girls standing outside the hotel building with signs

"yep, we can do that" he says, popping the 'P'

"alright they're one their way, let's go" he grabs ahold of my hand once he's done on the phone and pulls me towards the door, swinging it open after unlocking it

I swear you not, two steps outside the building and the girls were already tackling him with hugs and kisses and trying to get a selfie, damn, us fan girls really go to the extremes

I shout over to Dylan that I'll be around the corner, I just need a few minutes to myself, plus I'm sure the girls will keep him entertained, I take a sharp left that wraps around the building and stop in my tracks

the smell of cigarette smoke fills my lungs,
I can't help but fall into a coughing fit and clutch my chest, I can smell the smoke coming closer and closer with every cough

"oh it's you" he rolls his eyes and takes another whiff of his cigarette, inhaling it deeply and taking a few moments before releasing it

"I know we aren't on good terms but, Justin, smoking won't help anything, so why do you do it?" I wheeze, catching my breath again

"because it's my only escape anymore, I can't go anywhere or do anything without it being captured, I have nowhere to go, nothing left to do that will calm me anymore, I mean people don't even say hi, they just shove their phone into my face and run off all giddy, I feel like a dog, that's not how I want to live my life, yet it's what I'm left with. I wouldn't trade what I have for the world, but I get really fucking depressed and stressed, what else can I do?"

I could hear the aggravation in his voice strengthen throughout his words, in all honestly I was expecting a simple 'fuck off' or 'what's it to you?', not for him to open up to me, not that I mind one bit

"Jay, there are people who really care for you, your beliebers, they devote so much time to check up on you and support you, you know that, you know you're not alone so why do you isolate yourself so much? if you're stressed there are other ways around it trust me I-"

he puts out his cigarette and stomps on it with his shoes.

"don't you dare tell me you understand because you don't, you're only here to tell me some bullshit story so I can abide by your rules and needs and wants" he was so close to me I could already feel his lips brush mine, just a little closer Jay, a littttle closer

he shakes his head and starts to walk away, I can't let him leave like this, not now

"Justin, wait. I'm here for you no matter what, you know my number, call me anyday, anytime, I don't care about the situation, if you feel as if you're trapped and can't cope, I'll be there, always" his eyes find mine, and for a split second I swear I could see compassion in his eyes, but then it's gone

- then he's gone.

heyy so ik lame part, I promise it'll get better.

anyways, I have an idea for a new story but do you guys want me to publish it and work on it or keep all my focus on this one? or try to do two at once? x

lmao, okay now here for my inside scoop; 

so I have the flu and my first period teacher sent me home, right? so my best friend was waiting for me and I told her that she wanted me to go home and because we had a maths test today id have to skip it and do it tomorrow she got so pissed & she's ignoring my calls and texts, wtf...

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