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[for those saying Justin is being salty
girl ik, it'll change, hopefully]


I couldn't believe my eyes, is he actually doing this over Twitter? and then mentioning Hailey straight after, that's beyond obnoxious.

Neither is it fair, I got given an opportunity, a once in a life time one at that. I thought he'd understand, but Ive been proven wrong, maybe he really is just as selfish as people make him out to be.

You know what, two can play the same game. I smirked as I clicked onto the Twitter app, making sure to favourite his mention of me. I clicked the tweet button and began typing.

@sorayacoleman; wow, words can't even describe how amazed I am by @haileybaldwin good work girl, job well earnt.

I smiled down at the words I had just written and clicked the send button, I'm not a jealous person at heart, but I am sensitive, if he wants to mess with my emotions, then I won't stoop to his level, I'll just beat him at his own game.

Within minutes I got a reply from Hailey.

@haileybaldwin; omg, ur 2 kind babe. we have 2 meet up! can't wait 2 c u on Covergirl @sorayacoleman 😍👑

hm, she doesn't seem too bad I suppose, I could use some company while here in NY. I quickly DM'd her seeing as she followed me when she responded.

@sorayacoleman; by any chance are you in New York this week? would love too met up.

@haileybaldwin; yea, omg it's gonna be so fun, okay meet me at Urth in central square!

@sorayacoleman; okay, cool. when? x

@haileybaldwin; now..

@sorayacoleman; okay sweet, see you there.


I chucked on whatever I saw first out of my suitcase and paired it with some all white adidas superstars, i thought I may as well be comfortable seeing as I don't have anything planned today except for a meet up with Hailey, shopping and exploring.

I brushed my hair and teeth, since I hadn't throughout the whole plain ride, which to be fair wasn't all that long but I just felt like I should do it just in case

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I brushed my hair and teeth, since I hadn't throughout the whole plain ride, which to be fair wasn't all that long but I just felt like I should do it just in case.

I stuffed my wallet and headphones into my carry on bag and slung it over my shoulder, running out the door.

I stood outside the hotel waving me arm around like an idiot trying to hail a cab, it's really no use, I don't know how to do this.

"please let me" a unknown voice said deeply, I whipped my head around too see the boy whistle and reach an arm out over the side of the gutter, a cab screeched as it pulled up, at least I know how to do it now.

"I'm Maejor, well, that's what everyone calls me at least" he laughed lightly and stuck his hands into his pockets, swinging back and forth awkwardly.

"I'm Soraya, it's nice too meet you, thankyou for help as well. I'm actually in a rush so I have to hurry - uhm, thanks again" I gave him a half smile and headed towards the cab, his eyes were resting on my phone the whole time. What was he going to do, mug me?

"can I have your number? you know in case you need any more help or something" he mumbled the end of his sentence and bit his lip

"oh yeah sure, here I'll put mine in yours" we both exchanged phones and dialled in each other's number, once he handed me my phone back the cab driver beeped, signalling that I needed to go, we said our goodbyes as I jumped in.

I finally arrived at Urth Café, it was hard to find, I never even knew NY was this big until today, I guess the movies really do portray it accurately.

"Hailey, oh my god, you're stunning" I took a step back, taken by surprise at how pretty she was, okay I can definitely see why Justin has a thing for her, well, maybe.

"that's a bold statement coming from you. Wow I love your outfit, now come on with me" she pulled my arm, dragging me to the table she was sitting at before I had walked in.

"let's take a few photos for snap and Instagram, my fans will love this" she giggles pulling out her phone, fans? I didn't know she had that many but I mean, you learn something new everyday, am I right?

After taking some selfies, which mind you too about 20 minutes to get the perfect one, and also taking some snapchats we finally rested our phones down onto the table to speak.

"so, how'd you get so far in modelling? I'd love too be more involved in that line of career. I mean I'm doing acting at the moment, or will be soon, but there's something so intriguing about walking down a catwalk" I laughed at myself and sipped on the green tea I ordered.

"well, it helps that my family has already made a name for themselves, so I did get a bit of a head start, but just sign up for what you can, the more you have on your résumé the better"

I nodded in understanding as she spoke.

"so, you and Justin are close?" she almost choked on her coffee, she rolled her eyes and scoffed at my question. Jeez, what ran up her ass and went into hiding?

"no honey, we're closer than close, I've known him for years now. Practically brother and sister, well in a romantic way" she smirked and nibbled on her muffin, well damn.

"romantic way? what does that mean, are you guys a thing?" she rolled her eyes, again. Does she not know how to open her mouth and stop moving her eyes, my lord.

"If you're going to be the paparazzi I suggest you run off somewhere else to someone who actually cares enough to answer your questions, preferably far away from me"

I picked up my phone and bag, I slowly tucked my chair in and started to walk away, but not before I got one last word in.

"if only you were cared enough for that you got paparazzi chasing after you" I winked and strided off out of the café.

if we were fighting, I defiantly won, if I may say so myself.

you guys are too cute, legit I update and then 10 mins later you want another hahaha I love youuuuu.

also would you rather me update a few times a day but smaller chapters or once and a long one?

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too infinity and beyond 👽 (idk)

- yaz

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