thirty three

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{2 weeks later}

sorayas pov
i clicked onto my emails and read through a few, that's before my eyes almost bulged out of my eyes at the title and sender of one of them

dear, miss Coleman.
We would be delighted if you would consider attending doing an interview with James Corden, it would also be our pleasure to incite you to this years BBMA's.

You are welcome to have a plus one, but of course they'd only be able to attend an after party.

We hope you consider this offer, please reply by the 26th of May !

- sincerely, JC. management

i leaped up in happiness as i read the invitation, i quickly replied saying that id be honoured to do the interview, a few minutes later they tell me that they'll have me do it tomorrow.

i can't wait to tell Jay and Dylan. thankfully,
we are all on good terms so far.

i spoke to dyl about the kiss, telling him that i care for him deeply but i see him too much as a brother to ever have something more, he understood but i could see the pain in his eyes.

as for justin? i clarified that if he wants me apart of his life he's going to have to deal with the media knowing about it, wether we like it or not they manage to find everything out

i still remeber that moment, my heart was thumping hard against my chest, and my breath was uneven.

he sat staring aimlessly out of the window until he finally said 'i promise ill take care of you this time' it felt as if i had the whole world lifted off of my shoulders.

we've even become closer i guess, we meet up at least once a day, we're trying to stock up on seeing eachother before he leaves for tour, but he's asked for me to come over to support him a lot lately, he's been making some pretty big desicions

i mean, first he cancelled meet and greets, then no photos with him at all and now he won't be attending award shows, a lot of people are saying that at this rate he'll be out of the business soon, it's put him under intense stress

i can see where the fans are coming from, i mean he's almost cutting all ties from them, i can't even imagine how hard that must be. but then again, justins mental health and happiness is what matters most.

"hey beautiful, what's with the big smile" he says, walking through the hallway of his house,
may i add, in just a towel.

"uhh" i mumble, not taking my eyes off of his abs, soon enough i let my eyes wander lower and lower, until i could practically see the bulge. i take a big gulp and make eye contact

"i can take it off if you want a better look" he winks, pinching the small towel wrapped around his waste.

i shake my head furiously, though, i wouldn't be dissapointed if it 'accidently' slips.

"anyways, i got an email from James's team, he wants me to do an interview and I've been invited to go to the BBMA's" justin nods, taking a seat next to me.

"that's amazing" he mumbles, kissing my temple and playing with my hair

"will this be your last award show? since you already made up your mind and all" it'd be a bummer if he didn't come to this one, he's been nominated for an award and id hate to see his name be called out and him not recieve it.

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