Chapter 21

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               Lucas was dead. Just like that, gone. One moment I was telling him I loved him then the next... dead. Evidently, when the car spun off the road Lucas threw his arms around me, ultimately saving my life as the car rolled down the steep hill. Lucas died quickly and without pain the doctors say. My mind, heart and body was physically and mentally shattered.

               There was not even going to be an open casket funeral. The day of his funeral, I got violently sick so Katy took Farkle and Riley to the funeral while Josh watched over me, seeing as he hardly knew Lucas and no one wanted to leave me alone. For the last few months of school that was left, I stayed in my room not bothering to get up. Instead, Riley brought my homework everyday then would force feed me. I could not eat. I knew it tore poor Riley apart to do it, so I started eating again a few weeks into summer break. Time never seemed to pass anymore, everyday was the same. Farkle and Riley were finally getting closer which I knew deep down made me happy. Josh decided to get an apartment in Austin so he could go to college and still see Riley.

                 Days? Years? It was hard to tell how much time had passed since Lucas... I felt empty. Maybe there was a way to bring life back into me... Maybe I should sign with that music production company, it might keep my mind off of Lucas.

One Year Later


           I laughed wrapping an arm around Lucy, a ditzy blond with no real personality. She of course giggled, like all girls tend to do when I am around. She was going on and on about some singer who she adored, I think her name was Sabrina Carpenter or something like that. Whatever, doesn't matter.

          Lucy blushed, looking up at me  before continuing to talk about that one chick. Evidently, in the movie we were about to see, she is the main character which is a huge deal to Lucy. I easily blocked Lucy's silly chatter out of my head, focusing on all the girls walking by.

           I just moved to Austin, Texas from Phoenix, Arizona where I was raised. Last year, I lost my memory due to a seizure but whatever. I am eighteen now, so I moved on my own to Austin, I have wanted to move here for a while now but I have no idea why. For some reason though, my divorced parents were against the idea, but that did not stop me.

           Lucy got us popcorn and soda as I found us our seats, I sat next a a dark-haired guy with a leather jacket that looked strangely familiar.  Next to him sat a hot blonde with a small body who was looking around nervously. When her eyes caught mine, it appeared as if her breath hitched before turning back to the screen. I smirked to myself, I always get all the girls.

             After a few minutes, Lucy came stumbling in with a large soda in each hand and a popcorn bucket tucked between her arms. I quickly took the popcorn and my soda, leaning back in my chair allowing Lucy to get herself settled.

             Soon enough, the movie started. The movie itself was not something I was particularly interested in, I was fully interested in the beautiful blonde who was so familiar I could almost say her name.

              "Maya." I whispered, my eyes growing wider and my body froze up. How could I forget? I turned to Lucy, "I thought you said her name was Sabrina Carpenter?" I whispered in her ear, causing her to shiver which I ignored, I was no longer interested on any level.

               "Well," Lucy whispered back, giggling. "that's her stage name. Her real name is Maya Hart or something like that." I nodded to myself, turning away from her. My heart started beating like a humming birds wings, I was so confused. The only thing I remember before my seizure is Maya Hart, and I only now remembered her. She was beautiful, sarcastic, brutally honest, broken and talented... At least she put her talent to use. Would she allow me back into her life? I still loved her! After all this time... Always.

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