Forever Unknown

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Harsh words like salty waves crash on my face

Bitterness fills my lungs

I start to drown

In my ocean of sorrows

To feel cold but not shiver

To feel numb but smile genuinely

To be seen but feel invisible

All gone

All here

In my ocean of sorrows

Dragging me down into the dark

I can feel the oblivion


I am the oblivion

Dark, unknown

A package of nothing

Wrapped up in everything

Nothing worth considering

Hands reach below the surface

But I'm already in my casket

Below even the sea bed

Don't bother reaching now

You'll just drown

I'm gone now

Into the oblivion

Forever unknown.


I wrote this poem because I know how it feels to be invisible and unconsidered, while I was feeling like this I wondered how people would react when they finally noticed but it was too late and I wanted to express that in a way people could understand whether they've felt like this or have been lucky enough not to.

I hope you all enjoyed it either way :)

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