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Reality can be so drab

With its rules and regulations

Contrasts and comparisons

Losers and champions

And if I hear one more thing

One more thing

About Donald Trump

I may just jump off the empire state

So I fly away

Into my mind, to unwind

To a place where voices are heard over the noise

Where smiles are genuine

Where tears are cried

Without shame

Where I can be happy

Even if it's just for a split second

Where I can breathe fresh air

When the pollution of pain

Is too much

To take

Daydreams stop the fragile glass from breaking

Takes away the heartache

Gives me a temporary escape.


I wrote this because daydreams are my way to escape from reality, when you think about it, it is pretty cool we have alternate realities in our minds we can go to whenever we want. Anyway I hope you enjoyed this and I have a little question for you all.

What's your escape?

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