Kiss me

18 3 0

Kiss me, like you love me

Like you need me,

Like you want me,

Kiss me and make me feel

Like everything I dreamed was real

Kiss me like we were meant to be

Like you feel the same as me

Just kiss me

Say you'll miss me

When I leave

Because you won't kiss me

At least not like that

I used to think otherwise

But certain things opened my eyes

I used to despise


But how can I really when I love you so

Loved you so

I don't even know

What would I do if you say you loved me?


Would I put it down?

Push it aside?

After all this time?

I don't know

How can it be so?

That my feelings are no longer so?

Still so?

Through all these tales of woe

I still don't know

Do I want you to kiss me,

Like you want me

Like you need me

Like you love me?

For you to hold me in your arms

Keeping me away from harm

Letting non existent love keep me warm?

Kiss me?

I don't know

Kiss me

I love you so

I think.

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