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I loved the way her eyes sparkled in the light

How they were the last thing I saw at night

Warm and bright, so full of love

Made me feel like an angel

When I was really just a girl in love

I remember how her kiss gave me shivers

The good kind, I hoped would last forever

Holding hands,

Sharing heat,

I loved the rhythm of her heartbeat

I remember our fights used to drive me crazy

Our drunken nights were funny and hazy

It wasn't perfect

But it was us


That's a word I haven't used in months

One, two, three, four

Were the worst months, my heart was sore

Five, six, seven, eight

The memories haunted me, I started to break

Nine, ten eleven, twelve

I nicknamed it 'the year from hell'

I didn't bother to count after that

I was going insane

Life felt so plain

I felt this searing pain

That even rain couldn't wash away

I miss you babe

There's so many things I wish I'd said

But there's no point in regrets

Even if I don't wake up to your voice

That was the choice we made

But even so...

For those first four months,

I woke up every morning,

And even though our love had decayed,

You know the first thing I'd always say?


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