Gone Girl

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She's gone.

The house feels colder without her

Everything seems to lack colour

My eyes are lifeless as I stare in the mirror

Everything feels numb but I won't forget her

She's my gone girl

When she's gone the world is still

Time is a whirl

As he stops for nobody

Not even a broken soul like me

I wake up with empty arms

No chest for my head

A pillow instead

No warm heat or steady heartbeats

Just an empty bed and a world so grey

I stay awake and cry my nights away

Life away

All because she didn't stay

I knew loving had a foul price to pay

Especially a love as sweet as ours

Her smile shone brighter than the stars

Maybe not to thou

But it did to me

Now a dark night is all I can see

White and grey

Such misery

My gone girl

She left in a whirl

Leaving me dizzy, alone

In the aftermath of a storm

Her body heat no longer keeps me warm

I crave her presence more than I can tell

Life without her feels like hell

It feels like years but it's only days

I wonder if she'll come back to me?

My gone girl

Can't she see

How life isn't what it used to be?

I wonder if she feels the same

My gone girl

Flying away

My gone girl

I wish she'd just stayed.

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