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Back when we were young

We used to cause a lot of trouble

All in the name of love

Every night lit up like a fire in his bed

Now he's messing with my head

Making me feel weak

Then saying he needs me

To be strong

That I've got it all wrong

I still felt weak

When he kissed his knuckles

Right before they hit my cheek

Later on

He lights a cigarette

Sets a fire in my head

He laughs at my pain

I cower from his silhouette

He's the menace in my bed

The voices in my head

The knife to my throat

The hand that makes me choke

I think back to when we were young

Causing trouble

Was it for love?

Either way that man's long gone

He was the rose in my hand

Now the thorn in my side

I have nowhere to hide

Nothing to hide

From the menace outside.


This is kind of similar to Monster, I guess I wrote it because I've been inspired to write from the point of views of the victims of abuse, I don't know why I guess I just feel strongly about it.

How has ya'lls say been? :)

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