Broken Hope

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I'm running away but it doesn't feel right

What am I doing with my life?

All I seem to do is hide

From the beauty outside

But with beauty there's a price

So foul, so blue

I'm in hiding

I don't know what to do

I'm faking to make it

But what am I making?


I sit around waiting for that turn around

Because when I stand I just go round and round

In circles


Then I start to break

I'm losing sense of rhythm and time

I wake up every morning

To commit a crime

I'm scared

I'm aware

This isn't fair

But what is?

Who the hell am I to say?

With the things I do everyday

I want to change

I want to rearrange

My heart

My new start 

And reach for the stars

Work hard for my dreams

Though I know their not how they seem

I'm broken

But I'm hopeful.

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