Foul Play

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They say what you give you receive 

How about what you receive you give?

Receiving loss without a death,

Holding grudges on unspoken promises,

Being smart and not getting the hypothesis 

Of this

They say when life gives you lemons make lemonade

Because when you ask for help they need a hearing aid

With success comes loneliness is what they said

Sometimes I wish those words had stayed in my head

Then I wouldn't be on this empty bed

Movie nights alone

No one to call on the phone

All because of this so called success

I'm gonna be honest, I've got to confess

That I'm a mess

All these voices in my head

Saying they know what's best

I wish I could get some rest

From my body, from my head

Keeping me up at night

Making me say goodbye

I don't know if this feels right

I keep telling myself it's alright

I received loneliness 

So I gave it back

I'm beginning to fade into the blackness

All this silence in commotion 

Causes distortion 

I'm wishing away

All my days

If only I'd stayed

And not gone away

Would I have won?

Or is this mere foul play?

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