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My success is all I need

I don't care if it kills me

Not anymore

It's loneliness galore

I don't need anyone

No one

All I need is my success

Until the day I get put to rest.

A little love is all I need

Even though it sometimes kills me

Thrills me

I don't need anything more

It would be happiness galore

I would take anyone



That one

All I need is a little love

The rest is up to the above.

My success, until I rest

A little love, to the above

It kills me

Thrills me



Not anymore

I don't need anything more

No one


That one

All I need is my success

Just a little love

Until I get put to rest

Leave it up to the above...

This battle going on inside my head

My body

Leaves me with nobody

No success

Such a conflict

An evil contrast

Right now it's all I have.

Words She Never SaidTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon