Angel Wings

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Arms like angel wings wrapping around me

Protecting me from the harsh fires of humanity

Safe in your warm embrace

Holding me like I'm all that matters

In that moment

We're cornered

But we're not afraid

There's worse things in this world than a few harsh words and bullies

Bombs under fields and playgrounds

Bullets hidden under rose petals

A war inside all our hearts

Sargents barking out orders in our minds

Wasting our time

But that's all gone

For now

I'm too lost in your angel wings to fight

Lost in love and safety

Living in your warm embrace

Arms like angel wings


I wrote this because like a lot of people I'm guessing, want that person in life we can count on and feel safe with despite the messed up world we live in.

Do any of you have a person like that? If you do you are very lucky to have them :)

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