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I don't know why I even bother

Even speak

When surrounded by people who ignore me

Pretend I'm not there

Only to be seen

When it's convenient

Is this anyway to treat someone?

Would you treat your friends like that?

Blame me for your shit

Because you can't take your own hits

When I'm gone

That's one thing I won't miss


Treating me like I'm less

Like every move I make causes a mess

Makes everyone stressed

Maybe if you could face your own demons

You'd see your not the only one

With feelings

With problems

That you can't seem to solve


This is what's wrong

I know it's not just me

It's also you

Until you realise that you'll always be blue

If you could just get a goddamn clue

I'm done trying to be nice

Be polite

Maybe if I just gave out spite

You'd see how I feel

At this rate our wounds will never heal

All because you can't see this


This is the real shit

That's going on

This is what is really wrong


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