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Like a puppet on strings

I say and do what you want

I feel fed up with you

With everything

My heart's like a theatre

Filled with happy and sad acts

I let you on my stage

You took over

Wrote a script

Turned happiness into sadness page by page

You've got control

Cradle my heart

Guard it like your on parol

Then you drop it like a glass

You got control

Love and smiles in the past


You must love it

You spiteful bitch

Running me like a show

Making what was warm cold

You know what you're doing

To me

There's stop signs

You're pretending not to see

I'm not yours to keep

What goes around comes around

It'll be ironically profound

I'll be gone by then

I'll be free again


As you can probably guess I was pretty pissed off when I wrote this poem. I write it because I was feeling controlled by people in my life who shouldn't have a say in it in the first place.

Can any of you beautiful people relate to that?

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