Chapter 1.

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A/N: Hey guys! So here it is.

I hope you like it. I'm sorry that the first few chapters will be pretty short. I'm just getting used to writing. So I need some experience before I post longer chapters. Please vote for the upcoming ones.


Sophia's POV

It's almost seven forty five, and I'm listening to The Beatles as I'm making tacos for dinner in the kitchen.

"Hey Jude! Don't make it bad! Take a sad song and make it better." I couldn't help but sing along to the legendary song.

In a matter of thirty minutes, I finished pork and beef tacos, a caesar salad and homemade chocolate pudding for Liam and I's special dinner today.

"Liam! Dinner's ready!" I yelled from the living room, hoping Liam who was all the way upstairs in our bedroom would hear.

"Coming!" He yelled back.

I set the table neatly with a flower vase in the middle. I know, I know. Very cheesy for a normal dinner night for just my boyfriend and I. But it was a tradition of Liam and I's almost three year relationship that we have a lovely meal together on Sundays when Liam's on break. We haven't been doing it lately, since Liam was really busy for some reason so today I decided to make it happen.

Liam soon came downstairs wearing a white T-shirt and black skinny pants.

"You look fab! But I look like Shmuel and Bruno!" I said, looking down at my stained and striped pyjamas.

Liam smiled and said, "Um yeah Sophia... I'm gonna have to go out for a while. You carry on with dinner."

"But we haven't eaten together in so long! Where are you going?" I enquired with a sigh.

I don't know why, but Liam's been dodging our plans for a while now.

"Just gonna catch up with the boys" Liam replied in a hassle as he walked out the door without a kiss or a hug and not even a "bye".

I shook my head and sighed.

I ate all by myself on a Sunday night. Then I cleaned the stove, mopped the floors and set the dirty dishes in the dishwasher. Finally, I turned the light off and went upstairs to our bedroom to sleep - alone.

After a few hours, at around 12:30, someone rung the doorbell.

I was sound asleep by then. I heard the doorbell buzz, I assumed it was Liam. So I turned the light on, went downstairs and opened the door, only to find Louis Tomlinson.

"L-louis? What are you doing here? Where's Liam?" I asked, rubbing my eyes.

"Hey Sophia, uh Liam's had a little situation over at the bar.." Louis replied.

"What situation? Is he okay? What happened?" I asked, becoming concerned.

"Can I come in? It's a little chilly out here." Louis asked, rubbing his hands together.

"Yes. Yeah come in!" I replied, fully opening the door.

"Wait." Louis said, turning back.

He walked to his car, opened the door, dragged an unconscious Liam out, carried him into the house and placed him on the couch.

"What happened Louis?" I asked, sounding a little more demanding than I planned.

"Uh, well Liam got really drunk and started doing some crazy shit in the bar." Louis answered, looking at Liam.

"What kind of crazy shit Louis?" I asked, growing restless.

"According to the people in the bar, Liam ordered another bottle of rum. The waiter noticed that Liam was drunk & unstable. So he said sir you're very drunk. I don't think you should drink more today. Well, apparently, that made Liam upset and he knocked the poor kid out! The guy's nose started bleeding and all that. Then the manager came and told me to take him home before he calls the police." Louis explained.

"Oh my god Louis! What were you doing when Liam was so drunk? Weren't you suppose to be there with him? Anyway Is that boy okay?" I started crying.

"Hey, don't cry Sophia. I think Liam's just upset about something. He'll be okay. Trust me. And I was in the bathroom when this whole thing happened! I told Liam to stay where he was at and that I'll drive him home. But he wouldn't listen!" He replied.

"But I have no clue why he's been acting so out of it the past few days! He won't even talk to me properly!" I added.

"Try talking to him about it. I'm sure there's an explanation. Liam won't act this stupid unless something's really bothering him. He's a nice lad, you know that!" suggested Louis, looking at Liam who was totally drunk and lying there on the couch.

"Yeah, I'll talk to him tomorrow morning. Well it's very late so you should get going Lou." I suggested, otrying to stop more tears from falling.

"Call me if you need anything." Louis said as he got up and gave me a hug.


"Yes?" He turned back and asked.

"Thank you for being there for me and Liam. You're a good friend." I replied with the best smile I could pull right now.

He smiled hesitantly and headed for his car. I shut the door as soon as he stepped out and instantly started crying even more.

Louis' POV

I got into my white BMW X5 and thought to myself, "Oh god. What the hell did I just do? I lied to one of my best friends! She's been there for me whenever I needed her, now I lied straight to her face. I should just go back in and tell her the truth."

I opened the car door and stepped outside but then thought about what Liam said to me earlier, "Lad, I really need your help with this. I'm trusting you. Please don't let me down."

"Oh fucking lord. I really got myself into a sticky situation here!" I said to myself again as I started thinking about what really happened tonight.

Liam's POV (Flashback)

Eleanor, Louis, I and Danielle met outside a local bar, The Hood.

"Louis! Glad you could make it man! Eleanor, you look beautiful today!" I complimented as I gave a hug to Eleanor and Louis

"Why thank you Liam, but not as beautiful as Danielle here!" replied Eleanor as she gave Danielle a squeeze.

Danielle giggled and replied, "Nuh uh! You're the most beautiful one around here!"

"Haha, enough with the cheesy compliments girls! Now let's go eat! I'm starving" I joked as we headed into The Hood.

"Table for four please." requested Louis.

The tall and busty blonde waitress named Lexi said, "Right this way hot stuff".

As she led us to a table, Louis looked back at me and mouthed, "OH MY GOD!"

"Any drinks to start off with?" The waitress asked with her eyes glued to Louis.

Eleanor observed the waitress was checking Louis out, she got a little jealous and ordered "We'll all have shirley temples. Except for my boyfriend here. He will have a martini."

I smiled to myself at Eleanor's never changing jealous attitude when it comes to her boyfriend.

"Hmm. You can do much better kiddo!" The waitress replied jokingly, patting Louis' back.

Louis didn't reply but just looked up at her for a second and smiled then held his head down.

"Haha weren't you supposed to wait on us? Well I'm waiting for my drink." Eleanor said with that bitchy tone of her's.

"I know my job honey. I'll be right back with your drinks" The waitress said as she walked away.

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