Chapter 8.

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I quickly got off Sophia's bed and said, "I know this looks awkward, but I swear it's not what it looks like."

"Yeah he was just waking me up!" Sophia looked at me, then at her brother.

Mike crossed his arms and didn't say a word, he looked kind of pissed and

left. Sophia and I followed Mike, looking at each other.

"That was um.. interesting." Mike said, bursting into laughter once we reached the living room.

"So you're not mad at us?" I asked, gathering the courage to hold Sophia's hand.

Mike laughed even more and said, "No! Not at all! I know how close you guys are and I'd be a fool to get mad at you two for tickling each other."

"Then... why were you pissed off?" Sophia asked, looking at me, still holding my hand.

"I just wanted to scare you two!" Mike laughed, trying to catch his breath

Sophia sighed and threw a pillow from one of the couches at Mike. He caught it and said, "Hey it's not my fault that you two are so gullible!"

"You're such an idiot bro!" I said, hugging Sophia.

"You know she almost cried!" I added before she pinched me.

I looked down at her and said, "It's ok to tell your brother that you almost cried Soph!"

"I'm starving! Let's go get something to eat!" Mike whined, walking to the front door.

"Ok. But can we please not do Chinese again? I hate eating fried food." Sophia complained, getting her jacket from the coat rack.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" Mike asked.

"She's pregnant! I'm no doctor but I'm pretty sure eating deep fried spring rolls is pretty unhealthy for her and the baby." I defended, earning a smile from her.

"You sure you're not a doc?" Mike mocked me, locking the door.

"We should do Italian today!" Sophia suggested.

"No! Absolutely no!" Mike argued.

"Why not?" Soph pouted her lips.

"Italian foods too meh." He shrugged.

"We'll decide on the way." I said, trying to stop their argument.

The three of us got into my car again and drove.

"So do you want to have Indian?" I asked.

"Too spicy. No thanks." Sophia replied.

She didn't enjoy spicy foods. Not at all.

"Uhm well how about we go to McDonald's? You can get a salad there." I suggested.

"Yeah that sounds good. But what about you two?" Sophia asked.

"We love ourselves some Big Macs. Right Mike?" I replied.

"Damn right brother!" Mike replied, bro fisting me.

"Eww, how do you even eat those things?" Sophia asked, she wasn't a big fan of meats.

"We're real men. Real men eat burgers." I said, putting my shades on.

"That's not true! Liam hates burgers and he's a total man." Sophia said, looking as if she regretted it.

"Oh yes Soph. The guy that made you pregnant and broke up with you because of dumb paps is a total man." I said, with anger in my words.

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