Chapter 7.

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"I got it." I said, getting up to open the door.

"Must be Mike." Sophia said with no emotion whatsoever.

Just as I was about to turn the door knob, Sophia said to me, "Um.. Luke don't tell him about what happened earlier.. I'll tell him later."

I shook my head and unlocked the door.

"Damn it's cold out there." Mike exclaimed, rushing in.

Sophia started laughing and asked naively, "Did you get a ticket on the way back?"

"No, why would I get a ticket?" Mike asked, innocently. Well played pal.

"How much did you drink? Your eyes look like they're gonna fall out! Go sleep!" Sophia pointed at Mike's eyes that really did look like they'll pop out soon.

"Dude, you're such a snitch." Mike shook his head, looking at me like I told Sophia about the party.

"Uh no. I didn't need someone to tell me that you were going to a party. Don't blame him! I'm your sister and I know you very well." Sophia defended me. I smiled at how protective she was.

Mike just stood there, staring at the ground. I cleared my throat signalling him to apologize.

"Look I'm sorry! I didn't mean to piss you off. I just needed some time for myself... I should have told you about it." Mike apologized, trying very hard to stand still.

"I'll see you tomorrow." Sophia yawned as she left to her room, sounding pissed.

Sophia and her hatred towards alcohol has a long story behind it and I get so emotionally unstable when I think about it,

As soon as I heard Soph close her door, I said, "Mike, pretend like you don't know about me asking her, okay?"

"Okay. Take me to my bed first." Mike fell on me.

Still surprised that he didn't get into a crash, I dragged him to his bed and then went to sleep.


I woke up and noticed that it was just 4:30 am. Getting up at around 4:00 in the morning for band rehearsals and studio sessions became an unhealthy habit for me. Usually I only wake up this early during tours, but I can't help myself but do it during break too.

I got up and made my bed. Yes, Luke Hemmings of 5SOS makes his bed every day. It's one of those things my mum taught me while I was growing up.

Speaking of my mum, she loves Sophia. She's met her a couple time and always tells me how nice and caring of a person she is. Everyone loves Soph. She has that effect on people.

I quietly walked over to Sophia's room and looked through the small gap to make sure she was fine. I smiled at how perfect she looked in her sleep. Sophia was laying on her back, with her hands resting on her stomach that was slightly growing, her lips were slightly parted and her perfectly silky hair was spread unevenly on the pillow. She was beautiful.

I turned back to find Mike smiling at me with a raised eyebrow.

"Oh hey you're up? Want some breakfast?" I asked, obviously trying to change the topic.

"You're a creep bro."

"I was just checking on her!" I lied.

"Sure whatever you say. Anyway do you have any tylenol? I have the worst hangover."

"Nope! Try some water." I said, handing Mike an empty cup.

"I'm gonna go sleep. This headache is killing me!" Mike said after drinking water.

Started With a SecretOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz