Chapter 15.

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By the time I got out of the bathroom, Liam set up our little picnic spot close to the cabin. He spread the mat and neatly placed the food, picnic basket, board games and more food.

"Looks lovely!" I said, walking closer to Liam.

He smiled and handed me a juice box, "Apple juice to start off?"

I took the box and sat next to Liam. Since I was really hungry, I quickly finished the juice and devoured a PB&J sandwich.

"Liam! That was one tasty sandwich. Did you make it?" I asked, resting my head on Liam's lap.

He stroked my hair and replied, "I woke up at five thirty to make these. Cooking ain't all that easy."

"It sure is. I'll teach you some techniques. You'll be cooking better than me in no time." I replied.

"Sure and you know the day we pranked Luke at the airport?" Liam changed the topic.

"Yeah, that was a fun day." I replied, looking up at him.

"Well I asked you to be my fake girlfriend because I didn't know how in the heck to ask you to be my real one." Liam confessed.

I giggled and said, "I actually had butterflies when you asked me."

"You should have made the first move you know." Liam replied.

"I should have. But the way you just attacked me with a kiss was much more interesting." I said, tickling his naked torso.

"That's true." Liam said, lying down.

I got off him and lied right next. We were facing the beautiful sky. It was just way too perfect to be real.

I turned to lie on my side and said, "You know Liam, it's been a long time since I've had a good day like this. Just... away from everything."

"You keep telling me that. Babe, was your past that horrible?" Liam asked, turning to face me.

"Horrible would be an understatement." I replied, holding back the tears.

Sophia, why did you have to get so emotional all the time?

"Babe, tell me. I'll listen." Liam said, leaning in to give me a kiss.

I sat up straight and started talking about my horrible past, "Well. I told you how my dad left us. Since that day, I had a miserable life. People at school used to give me weird looks, make me feel left out, spread rumours about me and they just made my life a living hell. All of that just because my dad left us. I had no clue what it had to do with me. I had no one to talk to. My mom had enough problems already."

I broke down in tears, not being able to finish. Liam wiped my tears away and hugged me. Then he said, "Sophia, I guess I'm not the only one that had a horrible school life."

I stopped crying and asked, "Liam, what? You were... bullied?"

"Not just bullying. I was born dead, lived almost eighteen years without a kidney, got rejected twenty two times by a girl and no one, I mean no one came to my fifteenth and sixteenth birthday parties." Liam replied.

"Well, now you've grown up to be a famous man that's successful in life. All those bullies are home crying over your success." I said, patting Liam's back.

"You too, I mean you're getting an education in one of the best universities in the world, you have seven amazing friends and an even better boyfriend. You've made it Sophia." Liam beamed, giving me a huge smile.

"We made it babe." I said, messing his hair.

"Let's go for a swim!" Liam said, pulling me up.

"The water's cold!" I whined.

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