Chapter 14.

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"PERRIE!" Zayn yelled, kissing the blonde haired girl.

"I've missed you so much!" She replied, breaking from their kiss. Oh man, I loved her voice.

"Same here babe, oh meet Sophia. She is our friend and she'll be living with us until school ends." Zayn introduced me, but I was too busy paying attention to how beautiful Perrie's face was.

I felt someone nudge my shoulder, making me snap out of my thoughts.

"Sorry what?" I asked, still staring at Perrie.

"I'm Perrie, nice to meet you!" She said, reaching for a shake hand.

"Oh my god, I can't believe it's you, I love your band and your music is the best." I totally fangirled, earning weird looks from the boys.

"Aw thank you! You're so pretty!" Perrie said to me.

Perrie Louise Edwards of Little Mix just called me pretty. Oh my god.

"You're prettier!" I said. More like shrieked.

"Woah woah woah Soph, back off. She is mine. And she is clearly only into men. Also known as me. Only." Zayn said to me, kissing Perrie's cheek.

"Well... Touring with three other beautiful girls may have changed my views.." Perrie joked. Well at least I hope she joked.

The boys, Eleanor and I started laughing.

"Hold up. Do we need to talk about this?" Zayn asked, throwing his hands in the air.

"This is why I love you boo." Perrie kissed Zayn's forehead.

"Harry, Luke and I will just leave.. Since it's like a couple's reunion here." Niall announced, walking towards the door.

"I'm single too!" Liam raised his hand.

"So am I!" I added.

Harry, Luke and Niall exchanged looks and Harry stated, "Hm. Doesn't really seem like it.. I mean come on you two even slept together!"

"What the fuck? Liam? Sophia? Do I need to know something?" Eleanor asked, more like shouted.

"Mate, can you shut up!" Liam kind of yelled at Harry.

"Wait, you two are like a thing?" Perrie asked me. Too bad I couldn't answer her, because I was too busy being embarrassed and I couldn't feel my face.

"No.." I managed to whisper.

"Explain the sleeping together part." Perrie crossed her arms. Copying Eleanor's actions.

"Well." I froze.

"Look Perrie and Eleanor, stop over thinking things. Sophia got drunk that day so she was throwing up and such. I thought it would be safe for her to sleep with me so I could help her out if she has any trouble. I put two pillows between our bodies as a barrier for fuck's sake! We didn't even touch!" Liam explained to everyone.

I saw Luke's face drop. He looked sad for some reason. Why?

Perrie and Eleanor sighed,

"That's so sweet of you Liam!" Perrie stated.

"You didn't necessarily have to make her sleep with you.. You could've made her sleep with anyone in the house." Eleanor argued. Gosh, she's just like the female version of Louis.

"Niall puts his hands and legs all over the people he sleeps with. I would know that because I'm his roommate every single time we go on tour.

Harry slept all the way in the basement and she was already passed out by then so it would have been hard to carry her downstairs.

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