Chapter 3.

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"Oh god. No. Please don't tell me he thought you were cheating." I groan, throwing the false articles away.

"That's exactly what he thought. It gets worse actually." Sophia cried.

"How could this possibly get worse Soph?" I sigh.

"I'm assuming he wanted to get back at me for 'cheating' so started hanging out with Danielle again. He's drinking a lot and won't even talk to me properly. It's been days since we had a nice conversation together, forget a meal." Sophia explained, wiping her tears.

"Oh my god. Do you want me to talk to him? I'll explain everything. He'll understand." Mike said, standing up.

Sophia stood up and said, "Please don't. I don't really think he wants anything to do with me anymore. Made that pretty clear this morning. He has his boys and new old acquaintances. Just help me get these things to your car." She asked, handing me a few of her bags.

"But, Sophia. You can't just leave." I try to make her stay and fix this problem.

"Don't you get it Mike? He actually believed that I would cheat on him. He didn't even think about talking to me about this. He just... believed. Assumed. It's like he almost saw it coming that I would do something like this." Sophia rose her voice.

"You have to tell Liam about your pregnancy. " I decided to stay persistent.

"If I told him, he'll just get back with me out of the feeling of responsibility. I don't want him to do that just because I'm carrying his child. He doesn't love me anymore." Sophia replied, looking at this room one last time before walking down the stairs.

I sigh and follow her.

Sophia's POV

"But you know what, I'll just write him a note. About why I was going out with Luke and about my pregnancy." I said to Mike.

He nodded. Mike seems mad at me but at this moment, nothing can stop the way I'm thinking. This is what it has come to. I just have to accept it and live with it. I can't live with someone that doesn't trust me.

I walked over to the coffee table, reached for a pen from my handbag and started writing on a piece of paper,

"Dear Liam,

I was only hanging out with Luke because I was trying to throw a secret three year anniversary party for you and he was helping me plan it. Luke and I weren't all over each other. I slipped so he tried to catch me. I thought you would understand the media's cheap ways of getting more fame by twisting around scenarios that actually haven't happened, but I was surely wrong.

Please don't ruin your friendship with him over this. I've also been eager to find the perfect time to tell you for the past few weeks that I am pregnant. Sadly, this is the time. I'll keep the baby no matter what.



After writing the note, I folded it and left it on the box of cupcakes I bought the other day with Luke.

I looked around our home one last time before it became his' and Danielle's and left to my brother's car. After locking the door, I put the keys under a flower pot because I surely wouldn't need them ever again.

Just as I was stepping in to Mike's car, I noticed Liam and Danielle walking towards us. I didn't want to talk to him nor her so I tried to sit and shut the door as soon as possible but I failed.

Liam got ahold of the car door and said to me, "Got your things packed I see. But looks like you forgot one thing. I need the house keys back."

And at that moment, I understood everything. All the things I've feared have just come true. He is done with me. He didn't walk to the car to take me back and apologize. He came here to say his good byes. Not even goodbye, but just a bye.

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