Chapter 5.

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Last night, I got some take out from the Chinese place around the corner and Sophia and I ate it then immediately fell asleep. It's been a busy yet fun day. It's also been a long time since I saw Sophia being her old self so much.

I wish this could last forever; just me and her. Swimming around, having a laugh together, eating greasy yet tasty food, and of course the baby too. But I know it won't happen. She isn't ready to move on, if she was, she would never choose me. Liam Payne set the bar pretty high and I don't know if I'll be able to reach that high and impress Sophia.

Now, Sophia and I just finished breakfast and took a shower. We came out of our rooms at the exact same time, almost colliding with each other.

Sophia was wearing pink running shorts and a white Nike 'Just Do It' T-shirt; her long, dirty blonde hair was loose.

I was just wearing black shorts.

"I think you forgot something!" Sophia laughed as she pointed at my naked torso.

I looked down and smiled at her, "I know, but it's so hot outside!"

"Better not go running outside dressed that way! You'll probably get mobbed by teen girls or something!" Sophia replied, turning the TV on.

"Oh yeah? Why would it bother you if I get mobbed?" I enquired, sitting right beside Her

"It's just that... I really, really need a ride back home! Obviously Mike's gonna come back drunk! I know he's at Josh's party." Sophia replied laughing.

"I thought you were going somewhere else there" I thought to myself.

"Wait, how did you know Mike was going to Josh's party?" I asked, turning my face to face her.

"You two aren't really good at 'whispering' if you ask me." Sophia replied, air quoting the whispering part.

"You're not mad at me are you?" I just had to make sure.

"No! Of course not! Why would I be!?" Sophia replied.

"I don't know... because I lied to you." I said.

"Luke, are you okay? Why would I get mad over something this small?" She asked, eyeing me down.

I let out a huge sigh and laughed, "You're right, I'm over thinking it!"

"Hey change the channel to Fox. It's almost time for the new Glee episode!" I changed the topic.

"You didn't stop watching Glee?" Sophia asked as she pressed the buttons 82 on the remote.

"You told me it was a good show! So how can I not watch it?" I replied.

I still remember that time Sophia told me to watch Glee in the car around two years back in Sydney, Australia. Oh how I miss that place!

"Awh. It's been so long since I watched Glee!" She said, interrupting my thoughts.

The show started with Rachel singing a song from Funny Girl. Cliché.

The two of us watched the whole episode. The clock struck 12:30 now.

"I loved this episode! It was soo.." Sophia paused, looking for a word.

"Emotional and romantic" I finished the sentence for her.

"Exactly!" Sophia replied.

She walked in to the kitchen and asked, "Want some waffles?"

"Soph it's 12:35 right now! Afternoon!" I laughed as I made my way to the kitchen.

"Rude much! Unlike you, I have to feed my child!" Sophia explained with a pout, setting the waffles in the toaster.

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