Chapter 11.

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A/N: Someone asked me if I would write any love making scenes. The answer is a big fat NO. That stuff makes me really uncomfortable and it's very unnecessary.


"Well..." Liam smirked.

"Well...?" I questioned, mirroring his expression.

"Well, I can't exactly sleep with you when you're in a bikini! So I got a pair of my pjs and put them on you. Don't worry, I didn't get cheeky." He explained, with a wink at the end.

I trust this boy.

I sighed with relief and before I could reply, Liam complained,

"But, you're the worst person to sleep next to. You slapped me about five times and had your hands and legs all over me. I felt pretty violated."

"Yeah, I have a habit of doing that. I'm so sorry!" I replied

"I believe you owe an apology to Niall. Not me." He said

I nodded and headed out to the living room where Niall and the boys were all dressed up and eating breakfast.

"How are we doing with the hangover?" Louis asked, in a sarcastic tone.

"Look boys, I'm so sorry. I'm usually not this immature and stupid. I should have known better than to drink eight beers and vodka. I hope the paps didn't get a photo of my craziness and if they did, I really hope it doesn't affect your image. I'm really sorry. Especially Niall, I'm sorry for puking on you."

"Apology accepted." Zayn smiled.

"You drank nine actually, but it's okay. We all have those dumb blonde moments." Louis stated. I'm a blonde. Should I be offended?

"It was fun to see someone puke actually! But just not on me. Don't worry about it." Niall said with a smile

"You were absolutely crazy last night miss. I hope you never do that again." Mr. Styles confronted me

I nodded my head with embarrassment and walked away to Liam's room to get all my things.

"You have exactly forty minutes to get ready. Chop Chop Smith." Liam said, handing me my clothes.

I gave him yet another confused look.

"Luke's coming! Now go." He said with a laugh.

I shook my head and disappeared to my room. Still having the worst hangover ever. I had no interest in meeting this Luke guy, but I had to go to make up for my little stunt last night.

I stripped Liam's moose pjs and went to the bathroom. I brushed my teeth for about ten minutes with extra amount of toothbrush so I could get the stink out. Then spat out two cups of mouth wash. Finally, I took a long hot shower. When I stepped out of the bathroom, it was already 9:15. Which means I have twenty minutes to get ready. Challenge accepted.

I quickly threw a pink sun dress on, thank god I shaved my legs last night. Then I brushed my hair and decided to leave it loose. Finally I sat facing the mirror to do my make up. I usually don't put on loads of make up. So I just applied some mascara, eyeliner and lipstick. Only the basics.

I took a deep breath before heading out to the living room where everyone was waiting for me.

"You ready?" Harry asked, looking at his watch.

"Yeah" I smiled, straightening out my dress

"Let's get you some breakfast on the way." Louis offered, locking the house.

Thank god no one mobbed us at this house. Maybe because of the security guards outside the gate or people just decided to give these boys some personal space at their own damn home. I get that they're really famous, but they have lives too. Why can't people just understand that?

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