Chapter 9.

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A/N: Can't believe I've written 9 chapters already! Thanks to all you fabulous people reading!

As you can see, I've changed the cover. Send me feedback loves!

I'm dedicating this chapter to one of my beautiful followers on Twitter. @harryskitchenn

Follow her! :)


He took his glasses off and said, "I'd be shocked if you didn't see me before, hi I'm Louis Tomlinson"

"OMG THE LOUIS TOMLINSON FROM ONE DIRECTION?" I yelled almost too loud, making the whole class of around 30 students give me weird looks

"Shh. Yes. Yes it's me." He whispered

"Sorry!! It's just that my little sister wanted to meet you guys so bad but every time she tried to buy tickets, they were already sold out! Wait what are you doing in college? Aren't you suppose to tour around the world and make music?"

"Aww that's cute, I'll try to get her a ticket for our upcoming tour. And well me and the lads have been touring for about 4 years now and we just thought it would be nice to get a college degree and take a break from all the fame you know." He explained

"Really? That'd be great! Thank you and oh I see what you mean. I still can't believe I'm talking to you! Wait if you're here, where are the other boys? Liam, Zayn, Niall and Harry?" I asked

"Yeah you sure do ask a lot of questions! And they're in this class. Find them." He said, pointing around the class room.

I looked around for a minute or so and found the rest of the boys scattered around this class. I'm in the same class as One Direction. Holy shit. Well I'm not a huge Directioner or something but they're still celebrities and talented. I like their song, what is it called um, yeah Rock Me. It's got a nice tune to it.

"So you find the lads?" He asked

"Yeah!! I can't believe this!! But wait, why aren't the other students freaking out over you boys?" I asked, again. I actually did ask a lot of questions.

"Well they are college kids. I'm pretty sure they are not interested in obsessing over a boyband." He replied, the kid's got a point

"Ohh right!" I said, turning my attention back to Ms. Meltzer that was writing her contact info on the board.

Weird how this school has chalk boards. I mean it's one of the best colleges in Australia and who even uses chalk boards anymore? Anyways. Her handwriting was so pretty. Woah. I quickly noted her info down on my iPhone. The class ended soon and Louis offered to introduce me to his bandmates and of course I said yes.

"Hi! I'm Niall, nice to meet ya !" Niall said, shaking hands with me

"Hello! I'm Sophia, Sophia Smith! My sister's a great fan of you guys!" I said in excitement

"So you're not?" Harry asked, placing his hand out for me to shake

"No, no Harry I didn't meant that. I fancy your boys' music."

"It's Zayn." Zayn smiled

"Hii!!" I shrieked with excitement

"And finally this is Liam." Louis said, pointing to Liam that was wearing a plaid shirt with black skinny jeans.

"I know! Hi Liam!" I waved

He shyly waved back with a cute little smile. Aw.

"Now that you've been introduced to the boys, wanna come for some coffee with us?" Louis asked

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