Chapter 28

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Cody's POV
I open my eyes and stare at the beautiful girl in front of me. Hayley sleeps so quietly, and her hair is splayed across her eye. I tuck it behind her ear, picking a piece of hay out. She squirms and soon falls back into a deep sleep.

I usually get up earlier than anyone, so I carefully get off the mattress, stepping over Sara and Adam... Wait, what? They are cuddled together, in the pile of hay. I fight off the urge to laugh and walk out to the driveway, starting my truck up and driving over to Louise and John's place to pick up their trailer. It's 5:45 in the morning and on a Sunday. As I drive down the road, I watch the farmers feeding their cows, and the still, dark houses with people who sleep till 11 am. I pull into the drive way, shutting off my truck. I put my keys in my pocket and walk into the barn, saying hi to Blue and the others. I make sure they have water, and they do, so I walk to the outside and see their 6 horse trailer with living quarters. I open the back and check if they left any halters or manure inside, but it looks spotless. I check the tack space and see Hayley's shining saddles and polished bridles hanging, an extra lead rope, two mucking out pitchforks, and some other extras. I close the door and check the living quarters. The bed is made and otherwise, it's empty. I walk to my truck and start it up, backing up to the trailer. After several failed tries, I line up the trailer and hitch it to my truck. I drive about 20 feet from the barn doors and park the truck. John surprises me as he speaks up.

" Doin' a good job there, Cody." I laugh and step out.

" Thanks, Hayley was right. You sure are light on your feet!" I joke. He laughs along with me and he asks me something.

" Hey, I'll help you load them horses." We head inside and I grab Blue's halter, sliding it on his head. He meets me at the barn doors, arms crossed.

" Hey, why don't you take River with you, Blue seems to like her." I smile and nod, leading blue into the trailer.

" Okay, I agree. He does seem to like her." I close the divider and help load River, who Blue helps lure the spooked mare inside. They sniff noses and I tie her to the trailer. He shakes my hand, nods and makes his way back to their house. I check the horses once more and get in the truck, slowly pulling out of the drive way. When I park the truck in the driveway, Sara comes strutting out of the barn.

" Good morning, Sara."

" Morning, Cody. How'd you sleep?" I shrug, opening the back of the trailer.

" Good, you? I saw you with Adam. Got cold?"

" Yeah, surprising how chilly it gets without another person or blanket!" She chuckles and scratches the back of her neck.

" I gotta go, see you later." She says and walks away, stepping into her truck and driving off with a slight honk. I wave and lead River inside, with the loud clip clop of her hooves, putting her in the nearest crosstie. I lightly jog to where Hayley and Adam are sleeping to make sure that they were both asleep, and knowing that they are, I go back to the trailer and unload Blue. River and Blue sniff noses and I tie him in the crosstie across from River's. I grab a nearby, dusty broom and sweep out all the stalls, wash out and fill the water buckets in the first two stalls, check the runs to see it there's any hazards, and add a bit of hay in their hay nets. I unclip Blue and put him in the first stall, then River in the second one. While I have the broom in hand, I sweep out the stable and just as I finish, Hayley steps out and yawns.

" Good morning, Cody. When did you get up?" She ties her hair back into a ponytail and wipes off some smudged makeup.

" Early. I got you a surprise!" I take her hand and lead her to Blue's stall.

" Blue! How's my pretty boy?!" She rubs his black muzzle, when River sticks her head out and nickers to Hayley.

" River? Why is she here?" She walks over and strokes the mare's forehead.

" Your father and I thought that poor Blue just couldn't live without her, so I trailered her up and brought her here." She smiles kisses the mares nose, patting her neck.

" Is Adam up yet?" I ask with an eyebrow up.

" No, he's always been a heavy and long sleeper." We both have a good laugh, enjoying the day.
Hayley's POV
Blue stirs underneath me and yanks on the bit once, wanting to move. I take a deep breath in and let him walk. His perfect mane bounces up and down as he makes himself trot, arching his beautiful neck. Only a slight limp is the only flaw with him, at the moment. I switch directions and carefully, nudge the stallion into a lope.

The limp is barely noticeable when he is in a faster gait. River whinnies from the slightly overgrown pasture, distracting Blue. The wind starts to pick up, and since we are in the outside arena, I shiver. Blue tenses for a second, only to relax quickly. I walk him up to a barrel and he sniffs it, sharp ears pricked forwards and breath hot, steaming from his nostrils. I pull my jacket tighter and shiver once more, now noticing the starting of winter. The trees have already turned orange, yellow and red, some falling off. Halloween is coming up and maybe like last year, it may be snowy for Halloween! Blue cranes his neck to the gate and shifts towards it, asking to go. I pat his neck and dismount.

" Very good! Wasn't he, Cody?" He nods from the gate, swinging it open. Blue quickly walks into the barn and doesn't stand still in the crossties. I, finally, turn him loose in the pasture next to River's, and watch them take off, running by each others sides.

They stop at the end and nuzzle, across the fence, which is preventing an unexpected, yet expected foal to happen.

Authors note-
Another late night update... Wow. I'm tired and got school tomorrow. So, I really hope you like this chapter and I will update you later!
I can't forget to tell you that the mare up front or on top is River! Pretty, eh? The last mare didn't quite meet my vision, so she is the real River!

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