Chapter 1 - Falling in love

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A/N - This is my first fanfic so sorry if it's not that good.

Hi, I'm Millie and I'm 16. I have blue eyes and brown hair.

I have been a massive fan of New Hope Club, The Tide and The Vamps for a very long time. I have met New Hope Club before but not the others. Reece is my favourite from New Hope Club and I think he gathered that as he followed me on twitter and all I do is tweet about how I love him and how good looking he is.

It was a sunday and I was scrolling through twitter and Reece tweeted "Retweet for a DM" so of course I did. With in seconds of me doing so I got a DM come through. I went and checked who it was from and when I saw it was from Reece I let out a scream.

Reece: "Hi, your Millie right, the girl we met at the airport when we came back from LA x"
I read it with excitement realising he put a kiss.
Me: "Hello. Yes I am that girl that stalked you at the airport haha x"
We talked back and fourth for hours and I loved every second of it.
It got late, I tried to stay awake but typically I fell asleep.

I woke up got ready for school and went as it was a Monday. I'm annoyed about not being allowed to go on my phone in school to text Reece. I longed for the final bell to go so I could text him. The final bell finally went and I texted Reece straight away.

Me: "Hey, sorry for not texting you all day I have been at school x"
A few moments later.
Reece: "That's all right, I know how annoying it can be getting in the way of talking to a fit guy x"
Me: "Haha, and who would that be?! X" I replied sarcastically.
Reece: "Me of course! I was wondering if you had Skype? I'd understand if you wouldn't want to Skype me practically being a stranger and all x"
We exchanged Skype names and that's all we seemed to do for hours on end.

*A week later*
Me and Reece had been getting along really well texting and skypeing each other practically everyday. Reece and I both discussed how texting and skypeing wasn't the same as being face to face. I suggested about us meeting up and he happily said yes.

It is a Saturday and today is the day that I'm going up north to Accrington to see Reece. I get up and go get ready putting on some simple make up, black skinny jeans and a plain light blue baggy top.

I walk to the train station which is only a five minute walk from my house. Once I'm there I get on the train and it takes about 3 hrs to get to Accrington. I'm texting Reece the whole journey.

As I get of the train I turn to the left and see Reece standing there in black skinny jeans, a stripy top and Dr Martins looking very hot. I run into is arms giving him the biggest hug ever. He smells good and I feel safe in his arms.

We get back go his house I meet his family and we spend the day chilling. It is 10:30 and me and Reece go upstairs to go sleep. I'm staying in his room, in his bed with him.

*Reeces P.O.V*
We go upstairs to go to sleep. Millie is staying in my room and in my bed with me. We get ready for bed, she goes into the bathroom and gets changed into her pyjamas and I get changed into mine. I'm wearing long pyjama bottoms and no top. She comes out in cute shorts and a top taking my breath away. I stare at her but notice she is staring back. We turn the lights out and snuggle in bed, her head on my bare chest. We talk for a bit but she falls asleep and I follow her.

*Millies P.O.V*
I go into the bathroom get changed into my pyjamas which are shorts and a top. I walk out the bathroom to see Reece there with no top on and long pyjama bottoms. I try not to look but I can't help looking and I think that it is the same for him. We snuggle in bed and talk until I fall asleep.

I stayed at Reeces for Sunday and Sunday night and I left on the Monday as it was a bank holiday weekend. I had a great time and I didn't want to leave but I had to because of school.

*A month later*
We have been texting, skypeing and meeting up all the time and we decided to be together as boyfriend and girlfriend. The easter holidays are coming up and I know that Reece will be on tour soon with The Vamps and The Tide. I am obviously supportive of what Reece does but I'm sad that I won't be able to spend time with him as he is going on tour.

*Reeces P.O.V*
I have talked to Joe and the rest of the band about how well me and Millie have been getting on. I mentioned how it would be great if she could come on tour with us. Joe said that she could do if she wanted to which I was very happy about. I Skype Millie giving her the news and she says that she'd love to come on tour with us.

*Millies P.O.V*
Reece said I could go on tour with him and the boys and I said yes. Tour started in a week starting of in Birmingham.

A/N - So here is my first chapter. I know it is just Millie and Reece at the moment but the rest of the boys will be here in the next chapter. Let me know what I can improve on for the next chapter. Please vote.

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