Chapter 20

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*Reeces P.O.V*

Millie doesn't have long so I'm gong to make these last days the best days. Today I'm going to take her to the canals and hire out a boat.

Reece: "So are you all set?"

Millie: "Yeah I am."

Reece: "Good, let's go."

We get a taxi to the place.

Millie: "So were hiring out a boat?"

Reece: "Yeah we are."

Millie: "Are are you any good at steering?"

Reece: "I hope so or we're stuffed."

Millie laughs.

We go around on the boat.

Reece: "In that bag there is food if your hungry."

Millie: "Oh thanks."

We eat picnicy food before getting of the boat.

Millie: "Well that was fun."

Reece: "Yeah it was."

*Next day*

*Millies P.O.V*

Reece: "I need to talk to you."

Millie: "Sure."

Reece: "I don't know how to say this... I uh think we should just be friends, I mean we will have to be any way so why not get used to it now."

I try not to break down and cry.

Millie: "Yeah I agree."

I say not meaning it.

Reece: "I still wanna spend these last few days with you."

Millie: "Yeah me too."

I go really quite trying not to cry.

Millie: "I just need a minute."

I walk out of his room and go outside for some fresh air. I ring Cerys to tell her what just happened.

Millie: "Reece just said he wants to be friends."

I start to cry.

Cerys: "Oh no I'm so sorry."

Millie: "My mums ringing me I'll ring you back ok."

Mum: "Do you really not want to go to America."

Millie: "I really don't, I'm sorry."

Mum: "How would you feel about staying here with your auntie?"

Millie: "Absolutely fine. Is Rebecca still going?"

Mum: "Yeah she is."

Millie: "Oh ok. Thank you for this mum."

Mum: "It's ok."

Millie: "I love you."

Mum: "I love you too."

I hear the tremble in her voice and I feel sad.

Millie: "I'll be fine over here, don't you worry, just go and have some fun."

Mum: "All right mum."

We laugh.

Millie: "I'll see you tomorrow."

The door opens and Reece is there.

Millie: "Guess what!?"

Reece: "What?"

Millie: "I don't have to go to America, I can stay with my auntie."

Reece: "That's great news. The whole friends thing"

Millie: "Was a mistake and you love me really."

Reece: "Uhh yeah."

Millie: "Well I love you too."

A/N - A happy ending!
This is the end of the book! I hope you enjoyed it.
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