Chapter 7 - Newcastle Drinking

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A/N - Sorry for not updating for a couple of days I've been busy.

*Wednesday 6th April*

*Reeces P.O.V*
We had to be up early as we needed to get from Nottingham to Newcastle before the signing. We are all siting on the bus talking about how well tour has been so far and how much we don't want it to ever end. Millie is very quiet as she's upset about everything that has been going on with her sister. I try to comfort her but I know she just wants her sister and that I will never be her sister. The bus ride isn't to long and before we know it we are in Newcastle. We get there and go to our hotel rooms. Millie is very angry and upset still.

*Millies P.O.V*

Millie: "I'm so fed up with everything. I'm going to the bar and I'm going to get drunk, to take my mind of everything.
Reece: "That's not a very good idea. Try and be strong for Rebecca."

I grab my purse and roll my eyes at Reece as I storm out. When I get to the bar Austin is there.

Millie: "Austin! Get me a large whiskey!" I say rudely.
Austin: "All righty."

He buys me the drink and I down it.

Austin: "What's wrong with you? I've never seen you like this before."
Millie: "My sister is in trouble and I can't do anything about it. I am ment to protect her and I failed!" I start to cry as I speak.

Austin puts his arm around me in a comforting way.

Millie: "Another whiskey!" I shout at the bar tender.

*Austins P.O.V*
Millie is knocking back whiskeys like there is no tomorrow and I start to worry about her. I call Reece to come down and sort her out and in the meantime I stay with Millie as she drowns her sorrows in whisky.

Austin: "Reece! Over here." I say say to Reece.
Millie: "Oh so you have called Reece because your worried about me. Poor Millie, the good one who never does anything like this and because I do everyone has to worry."
Austin: "I'm sorry for caring."
Millie: "Whatever!"
I get up and walk up as Reece stops me to say: "She's drunk, don't listen to her."

*Reeces P.O.V*
Reece: "You need to stop this." I say in a serious voice.
Millie: "Why? I have nothing better to do. Don't you have a signing to go to?!"
Recce: "Yeah I do but that's not for a couple of hours. Look come back to the room, sober up."
Millie: "Either join me or leave me because I'm not going anywhere."

I decide to stay as I want to watch out for Millie.

Millie: "Two whiskeys." I say to the bar tender.

I drink to keep Millie happy and now I'm a bit drunk.

Reece: "Let's go back to the room." I suggest.

We go up the stairs and bump into George on the way.

George: "Seriously, your both drunk?! Come on let's sober you up before the signing."

He takes us back to the room and pours us some water.

George: "Drink this! You need to sober up quickly as the signing starts in half an hour."
Reece: "Yeah, yeah I will."

I'm still a bit drunk but I have to go to the signing. I leave Millie to sleep in the hotel room and I go off to the signing with George. We get there but we are late.

George: "Sorry we are late."
Joe: "Just hurry up and get out there."
We start to make our way when Joe says: "Reece are you all right, you seem rough."
Reece: "One to many."
Joe: "Umm what?!"
George: "He's joking!" He says as be grabs my arm and pulls me to the tables at the singing.

The signing goes by I try to stay calm and act like I haven't been drinking but I start to feel sick. I try my hardest to keep it down but I can't and I'm sick all over myself.

Joe: "What's wrong with you? You have some explaining to do!" Joe says in a serious voice as he takes me backstage.

Joe: "Well? Have you been drinking?!"
After a few minutes of being silent I say: "Yeah but I can explain!"
Joe: "Well go on then..."
Reece: "Basically Millies sister has got her self into trouble and shes been feeling shit about it so she went and got herself drunk but to keep an eye on her I had to stay with her and if I didn't drink then she would of gone of and did god knows what."
Joe: "That's not good enough! This can never happen again! It is unprofessional! Go back to the hotel, sleep it of. And if you ever do anything like this again you can pack your bags, I mean it!"

I go back to the hotel and sleep it off. When I wake up its time for the show which I'm dreading as im starting to feel hungover. The show goes on for what seems like forever. When I get back to the hotel Millie is still sleeping and I join her.

*Thursday 7th April*

*Millies P.O.V*
I wake up with a headache regretting what happened yesterday. I need to stay strong and sort my self out so I decide not to go Scotland with the boys and to go back home.
Me and Reece say our goodbyes. It is emotional but I know it's the best thing for me to do. I take the train back to Northampton to see my mum and sister. I have no dad as he walked out on us when things got tough and I feel like I'm the one who has to be there for my mum and sister. I get to my house and walk in to see Rebecca laying on the sofa looking frail and delicate and I instantly feel sorry for her and angry with myself for not being there for her. I walk over to Rebecca.

Millie: "I'm so sorry. I didn't know you were this bad. If I did I'd of been her days ago."

I start to cry as Rebecca looks the other way ignoring me. My mum comes over and hugs me.

Millie: "I don't need a hug. I'm not the one in the bad situation."

Mum let's go of me.

Millie: "Rebecca, please forgive me. Talk to me. Let me know what went on."

She carrys on to ignore me so I walk of to my room. A few hours go by and mum calls me for dinner. I go downstairs and get my food. I see my mum trying to feed Rebecca but she won't eat. I want to know what went on to get her in such a bad state but no one will tell me. I eat then go back upstairs and text Reece telling him everything that has gone on today. He is on his way to Scotland so I try make his journey less boring. I fall asleep as me and Reece stop talking and I'm hoping that tomorrow will be a better day.

A/N - Sorry that it isn't to long but I wanted to update you as I haven't updated for a couple of days. Please leave feedback and please vote.

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