Chapter 10 - Sheffield

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*Thursday 14th April*

*Reeces P.O.V*
Today we were going to Sheffield. We packed then made our way down to the lobby. Cerys and Drew where all ready there waiting for everyone so we went over and sat with them. Drew wasn't feeling very well so he was of to the toilets every so often. Everyone finally came down and we went onto the bus. We chilled on the bus until we stopped.

Blake: "What happened? Why have we stopped?"
Bus driver: "We seemed to have broke down."

The bus driver calls for help but they won't be here for a couple of hours.

Chloe: "Look, a fair!"

Drew: "We should definitely go! It will pass time!
Rachel: "Yes we should go! I haven't been to a fair for years."

We all decide to go to the fair.

Reece: "Shaker?"

Everyone agreed. We payed then went and sat down. I was sat in between Millie and Nate.

Millie: "I love shaker! It's probably my favourite ride."
Nate: "I hate shaker and I hate rides!"
Reece: "You will love it trust me."

The man speaks and it starts. It starts of slow but speeds up. You can hear the screams of joy. After a while it slows down.

Nate: "Thank god that it is over."
Man: "Are you ready to go again but the other way?!"
We laugh.
Reece: "Not yet." I say to Nate.

We come of the ride Nate looking pale.

Levi: "Dude, your such a wimp."
Aliya: "Yeah, it didn't even go that fast." She says giggling.
Nate: "You go on and I'll sit out on the next one."
All of us: "Wimp! Wimp! Wimp!

We go onto top scan, probably the scariest ride ever! After a few more rides we decide to go.

*Millies P.O.V*
Reece: "Wait, before we go we must go on hook a duck!"
George: "Haha, hook a duck is my favourite."
Blake: "Nate, isn't this one thing you can do with out being scared?"

We all laugh. Reece has a go and wins straight away.

Reece: "Soo, what do I get?!"
Worker: "You win this teddy."
Reece: "This is for you." He says to me handing a stuffed pig teddy.
Millie: "I will keep this for ever!"

We go back to the bus and they have fixed it. We get back on the bus. There we all sit and chat.

Aliya: "This has been so much fun! I've loved making so many memories with you all. I hope we stay friends for ever."
Cerys: Aww stap being soppy. I hope we stay friends for ever too."
Millie: "Me three."
Drew: "Me four."
Rachel: "Me five."
Blake: "Me six."

We all laugh. We carry on chatting and being soppy. We finally get to Sheffield and go up to our rooms. They boys decide to go do 'boy things' as they called it and us girls decided to do 'girly things'. We all go over to Cerys room.

Aliya: "So who's ready for some facials?!"
Chloe: "Umm me."

We all put some face masks on and light some candles. It is so relaxing and peaceful. After giving each other manicures and pedicures we all go to sleep. Me, Rachel and Chloe are next to each other on the floor with mountains of pillows and a big duvet whilst Aliya and Cerys are in the double bed.

*Friday 15th April*

I wake up to Cerys standing on my leg.

Millie: "Ow!"
Cerys: "Sorry, I need to get to the toilet."

Everyone else wakes up. We get ready and go meet the boys for breakfast. They go of to do band stuff and we go of and chill. I chill on my own. I Skype my mum and Rebbeca before I go and get ready for the show. I get a taxi over with the other girls. Hometown come out and do there bit then Conor, The Tide, The Vamps and finally New Hope Club! Their performance was the best it had been. We stay at the after party which is fun. We do dance offs which results in me on then floor. After the party me and Reece walk back to the hotel hand in hand.

Reece: "Are you having fun, being on tour?"
Millie: "Of course I am."
Reece: "I'm glad."

We get back and fall asleep arm in arm.

A/N - Sorry for not updating in a while I'm busy with school and I'm sorry this isn't a very long chapter. I hope you enjoy none the less.

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