Chapter 12 - Tour is over

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*Snday 17th April*

*Millies P.O.V*
I wake up and realise that tour is over ans now tour is over I'm worried about what's going to happen between me and Reece, we both are going to be going home and won't see each other as much as we have and I'm going to miss him alot. We're lying side by side on the bed when I decide to talk to Reece about how I'm feeling.

Millie: "I'm going to miss you you know."
Reece: "Yeah well I'm going to miss you too."
Millie: "I love having you around and I'm scared that because we won't be together that we might drift a part." I start to cry.
Reece: "Come here don't cry." He says as he pulls me into his chest. "Just because we won't see each other as much doesn't mean that we will love each other any less."
Millie: "Yeah I know that but you make me happy, I love waking up to you and getting a smile instantly your adorable and cute and I just love you to pieces."
Recce: "Aww I love you to babe."

I look up at him lovingly, he moves closer to me and then his lips crash onto mine. Reece breaks the kiss.

Reece: "I think we're going to meet up with everyone today as it's probably going to be a while till we are all together again. Do you wanna come?"
Millie: "Yeah of course I do."

Our group chat starts going off.

George: "So what are we all going to do?"
Austin: "I was thinking we go out for a meal."
Aliya: "We could but we've don't that loads of time before we should do something new."
Millie: "Yeah but what?"
Blake: "Me and Rachel thought that we could all go out for a big picnic together."
Aliya: "That's a great idea, what does everyone else think?"
Millie: "Me and Reece are up for it."
Drew: "As are me and Cerys."
Austin: "Yeah me and Chloe too."
Aliya: "Nate? George?
Nate: "Yeah sure."
Geroge: "Count me in."
Blake: "Meet in 5 at the lobby then we can go get some stuff for the picnic then go for the picnic."

We all meet in the lobby.

Cerys: "We can walk to Tesco from here."
George: "Yeah we can."

We all walk to Tesco which takes 10 minutes. We grab a load of food and blankets then make our way to the field.

Reece: "There's a good tree with shade over there."
Aliya: "Let's go over there."

We lay out the blankets on the floor.

Rachel: "This is great I love it."
Nate: "Me too."

We all lie down, I lie in Reeces arms.

After a while Cerys says: "I'm hungry! Can we eat?"
Millie: "Haha of course you want food. Let's all eat."

We eat and then go back to lying down.

Reece: "We should put some music on."
Nate: "Yeah ok you do it."

Reece puts on Catfish and the Bottle men.

Millie: "Oh what a supprise."
Reece: "Shut it they're good."

Time goes by and the sun starts to set.

Reece whispers in my ear: "Come with me I think there is a lake round the corner."

We get up to go.

Drew: "And where are you two going?"
Reece: "Just for a walk ."
Cerys: "Yeah ok."

We get to the lake and Reece takes his top and trousers off.

Reece: "Come on your turn."
Millie: "Ok ok."

I take my dress of so I'm just in my bra and pants. Reece picks me up bridal style.

Millie: "Reece put me down! Don't you dare put me in that water."
Reece: "What you gonna do if I do?!"
He chucks me into the water as I scream: "Ahhhhh!"
Millie: "Get in here now!"
Reece: "I'm coming."

Reece swims over to me and he stands in front of me. I wrap my arms around he neck and wrap my legs around his waist as he wraps his arms around my neck. He leans in slowly then presses his lips onto mine, the kiss starts to get passionate as everyone else jumps into the lake.

Millie: "Oh my god what are you all doing here."
Austin: "We followed you."
Reece: "Aha and who's idea was this?"
Blake: "Cerys."
Reece: "I should have guessed."
Cerys: "Well everyone agreed with me so."

We have fun splashing and jumping around in the water.

Rachel: "This is sooo much fun!"
Chloe: "I'm so sad that we won't be with each other for a while."
Millie: "Yeah me too."

We all hug together.

George: "We should probably go as it's getting late now."

We get out the lake then pack all our things up before calling some cabs to pick us up. We get back to the hotel.

Blake: "Night everyone, thanks for a great day."

We all say night before going to our rooms. When me and Reece get to our room I get straight into bed and so does Reece.

Millie: "I've had a great day today."
Reece: "Me too."

We lay talking for ages until we fall asleep.

A/N - This chapter was fun to write so I hope you like it. Please give me feedback and please vote.

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