Sometimes Popularity is Overrated

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I saw an interesting video the other day, and I thought I would tell you guys about it.

The video's about FOMO (The Fear of Missing Out) and features a girl that desperately tries to find her friends as they go from place to place, hoping to join in on the fun that she's missing.

Basically a lot of people feel like this. Like if they miss out on something, then everyone else is going to hate them, and suddenly all their friends are going to have these inside jokes that they miss out on because they just weren't there.

Here's what I think.

A lot of people want to be popular. Not everyone does, but a lot of people do. You can try to deny it, but whenever you see the crowd of kids that's always laughing, always at the center of attention, you want to be like them. And nobody would blame you. Unless you're like me, more of the kind of person that would rather stay under the radar, doesn't want the spotlight shining on them.

Being the center of attention, a celestial body that attracts kids like planets to the sun does sound fun to a lot of people. Even if you have a lot of friends, sometimes you're still not content with the way you are. You want more. More attention. More friends. More people to notice how cool you are. You want to be involved in everything. You never want to miss out. Of course, I'm not saying everyone is like this. Some people are not.

If you've seen celebrities on TV, Youtube, Twitter, you know how people follow them around and scream their names and ask for their autographs. For a couple minutes, it sounds and looks fun. You're on top of the world. You have people that love you, call your name. But it's so easy for you to be in awe because you can always turn off the TV, switch off the computer. Life isn't always like that, I'm sure.

It can't be great to constantly have to worry about what you wear, what you do, what people are going to think of you. Can you imagine being harried by fans every minute of the day, not having any time to yourself? I don't know about you but I need some time to wind down, to be alone. I like to be able to do what I want without the whole nation knowing. Anyway, I am getting a bit off track here.

The point I've wanted to address during this post is that you don't have to be involved in everything. Whether you like it or not, somebody is going to be off having fun without you. Believe me, it may feel like it, but the one time you aren't there isn't going to affect anything. If you're missing out on something because of a situation that you can't help, try to make the best of the situation. There are plenty of other opportunities.

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