Different Personality Types

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When I was a little kid, I hated nothing more than loud noises or people. A of people in small spaces scared me, and balloons popping and thunder would send me into a hysterical state.

When studies were conducted, they showed that introverts were more likely to be startled or stressed by outside noises or stimulants than extroverts.

To put it in simple terms, extroverts fear being alone. Introverts do not.

Unfortunately, because we make up a minority of the population, the common belief is that it's wrong to be alone.

If you're alone a lot, it means you don't like people or don't have friends. While nothing could be further from the truth.

Being shy and being introverted are different things. An introvert is not necessarily underconfidant or unsure of themself.

Just like extroverts, introverts know their own place in the world. I know I'm an introvert. A lot of introverts haven't yet accepted that they're not freaks or weird, they're just different. We aren't stimulated by loud noise or other people. We're stimulated by being left alone to deal with our own thoughts.

We're stimulated by doing things like reading, drawing, and writing. While it's not bad to be an extrovert or introvert, and not bad to be a mix of both, it's imperative that people are able to understand both types of personalities.

Which is another thing that's also important. You don't put people into boxes. Especially when they're little. You should try to avoid saying things like. 'Don't mind her, she's just shy.' Even if you're talking about a pre-schooler in front of someone else.

Telling someone that they don't talk or that they're weird or shy isn't going to make them wake up and say. "Oh! Yay I love to talk! I want to be popular!" It doesn't work like that.

Asking or telling an introvert that they don't talk or that they're weird for wanting to be alone is like telling an extrovert that they're weird for having a lot of friends or that they go to too many parties. See what I mean? You don't see the latter happening much in today's society.

A clarification. Nowhere here do I advocate that introverts are better in any way, shape, or form than extroverts. I just wanted everyone to know, that's not what I believe. Yes, introverts and extroverts are different, but they are also equal. Being an introvert is not bad, or vice versa.

People need to learn how to get along with different personality types. Especially when they're kids, because that's basically what functioning in the world is all about. That's why people need to learn early on that everyone deserves the same amount of attention or consideration, whether they talk a lot or not.

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