The Facts

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Ten problems introverts face on a daily basis:

1. The fear that you're turning into a hermit.

2. When you're grumpy because of lack of alone time.

3. When someone asks you why you're so quiet.

4. Being exhausted after a night out.

5. Trying to speak in a room full of talking people.

6. When people think you're mad at them because you're quiet around them.

7. When you're at a crowded party with no elbow room or space to breathe.

8. People assuming you're judging them when you look at them for too long.

9. Being accused of daydreaming

10. Being dragged out onto a dance floor against your will. (Unless that's a problem only I have. I think it is.)

Ten myths or things people assume about Introverts that are not true:

1. Introverts don't like to talk.

2. Introverts are shy.

3. Introverts have no social skills.

4. Introverts are unfriendly.

5. Introverts can act like extroverts if they want to.

6. Introverts don't know how to have fun.

7. Introverts are unhappy.

8. Introverts can't do public speaking.

9. Introverts can't be leaders.

10. It's easy to tell when someone's an introvert.

Ten good things about being an introvert:

1. Independance.

2. Flexibility.

3. Having a filter between your brain and your mouth.

4. Creativity.

5. Being able to analyze and deduce things.

6. Noticing things that other people might miss. (Because they're too busy talking)

7. We push ourselves.

8. We prepare for challenges.

9. Any given task gets our full attention.

10. The ability to concentrate on things we enjoy doing for long periods of time.

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