Callie-Chapter 3

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I Planned on teleporting them here if they weren't here at 7. Hermes was busy getting everything ready I was in my study laying on my couch i finally got up and walked to the mirror i stood there and stared at myself I looked fine Callie Come home I turned my heel around and pulled my bow and arrows and looked around no one was in the room. i swore i heard Odin. Callie i snapped the bow and arrows turned into my bracelet i clutched it in my hand realizing what i just done i dropped it and then realized what he was doing, Talking to me in my head. In my emotionless voice i could muster i spoke.

"No, I will stay here"

I could hear his cold laugh echo in my head Look at you, you're a monster to them not their sister not callie You're a threat they will try to eliminate

I stood their looking at myself in the mirror i was In all black i tried to remember what i wore before...What was that? No. Stop that is a human feeling. Sadness i wasn't going to allow any to get through Odin was always right. But not this time.

"They will not kill their sister, i'm their sister, callie"

I reminded myself That almost everyday Callie My name is Callie. I could hear him clear his throat If that were true then they wouldn't have given you to me. and he was gone i sat their looking at my Bracelet on the floor I put it on my wrist then looked in the mirror. I was ready I heard a ring at the doorbell and i started to walk down the steps i put on my poker face and went to greet my family. Alex walked in first He didn't look happy, Then Spencer, Cassie, Virgo, Luke and Timothy They all looked sad I wasn't expecting Virgo. My stomach turned to knots But i kept walking. I plastered a grin on my face.

"Hello, I'm Happy you came Where are the others?'

luke Scowled "They don't like eating with the likes of you"

i clenched my fists forcing all emotion far away "Oh"

I turned my heel and started to walk towards the dining room

"Follow me"

I sat at the head off the table Hermes was eyeing me carefully, i knew what he was doing. Why was this coming back? I need to stop doubting myself. I'm fine. eventually everyone sat and Hermes gave them their plates finally i stood.

"Thank you for coming, Now I understand For some reason no one likes me i don't understand what has changed but, I will answer any off you're nagging questions"

I was avoiding eye contact with Virgo, Every Time i did i Felt weird.

"So When did you decide to go darkside and kill everything and have a total mental breakdown?"

I stared at Luke decided how i should answer that "Well I think when you guys Betrayed me and gave me up"

That's when they all looked confused, They shouldn't have because i let them keep that memory. So i waited for an excuse but finally.

"What? That never happened" Timothy said confused

i frowned "Tim...Don't play dumb You guys thought i was to much to deal with you gave me up to a god then..."

I took a breath and looked down replaying the memory in my head Cassie was close to tears "That explains everything then doesn't it?"

I frowned My head felt fuzzy "What? That explains nothing"

Virgo stood up She looked mad Which was a first She never gets mad

"What god did you go to?"

I heard a mumbled "Oh gosh you think they would do that?"

I was getting mad "Do what?! I am Fine"

That's when i think Alex understood whatever was going on

"What God?" He looked like he was getting ready to punch something.

"I can't tell you"

Luke gave a weird laugh "You're that messed up? The god who messed with you, You're protecting?"

I clenched my fists "At least he cares, You guys You don't care if you did you wouldn't have made me spend 106 Years with him"

Then Virgo stormed out followed by everyone else come back callie I blocked out his voice and i snapped i was right in front off that same mirror i was looking at earlier My anger was bubbling up. I am Callie 12th zodiac, The Capricorn. Hermes was beside me.

"You said you wanted to get another Greek god, I have what you asked for. A meeting with the gods"

I Held my head high "Good, Make sure they don't leave town i'll be right back I have a god to catch"

So I walked outside and sat on my fence staring at the house the light were on in the kitchen i knew what they were doing, Having a meeting no doubt about me. I looked up at the sky. Then snapped and then i stood on the marble floor and i looked at the gods Artemis wasn't here because i was. then Zeus scowled "What do you want now?"

I looked at him he was grieving I had his son after all then i looked around and i saw a woman in a sundress hiding behind Zeus's throne her brown hair was in a braid and she had sandals and big brown eyes i bowed

"Nice to see you, But Hermes is lacking i need one more friend to help me"

He sounded angry I heard a few lightning bolts "Over my dead body"

I gave him a cold smile "Not just yet, Hestia Come out"

She walked out and Zeus's eyes widened "Wait no-"

I took a bow and held my hand out she turned and met Zeus eyes then she turned back to me and gave a kind smile "I would be honored"

then she both disappeared in a cloud of smoke.

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