Alex-Chapter 16

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'Even If I fall' Those words echoed in my head. There's no way I'm going to let her do something alone if there's even the slightest chance of death.Callie needs to realize that we're not gonna just sit back and let her die. Just like I'm not going to just let her die. Who is this 'father' that's corrupting her so much? Spencer might know. I went down to the Living room. The only person in the living room was Liberty.

"Hey Lib you seen Spencer around?" She shook her head.

"Nope. why?" I shrugged

"I need to ask him something" She shrugged. I went into the kitchen. NO VIRGO. What world is this!? I went outside

"Hey Luke do you know where Spence is?" He nodded

"Yeah I thought I saw him by the pool earlier." I nodded.

"Thanks man." I jogged around the bush and hopped over the pool fence.

"Spence." His head shot up to look at me.

"What's gonna happen to Callie?" I sighed I've always hated being honest in times like this. 'You never did. You've always been the oldest of the group, the family. But it's your, our responsibility, Tell him then prove yourself wrong. I know you know what to say, Aries' I gulped

"Spencer" I sighed "Callie is putting herself in some serious trouble. She may not make it out of it, but Spencer. We'll be okay." He nodded with an empty look in his stare into the water.

"Oh..." I swallowed kneeling down to be at eye level as he stared into the water.

"You know who her father is?" He nodded

"Odin. We have no chance." I sighed I knew it was one of those damn Nordic Gods they have no respect for anybody else.

"Spencer I'm going to do this." I'm not going to be able to do this. But I'm going to 'fix' Callie. I need to. It's the only way to make this whole thing right. I'm not going to die in the process though. I can't leave them like that. Callie would never forgive herself. I need to think of some gods that would be willing to help me. Okay who doesn't hate me yet. Well; Ares, Athena, Eris and her sister Enyo, yeah that's about all. I might be able to make a deal with other one's but We all see how that turned out for Callie. I could probably talk to Hermes and maybe he won't hate me. Nah. He'd still hate me so much. So I'm sure Ares and Athena would be hella skeptical seeing as we're just now at peace with the norse. But Eris and her sister will do just about anything to see a god that ranks that high come to an end. Honestly if I ended up making a deal with her she'd want the greeks and norse to be at War for the millionth time. Not that I care too much. I sat down next to Spencer in a silent product of comfort. So how would I talk Ares and Athena into my little mess? I probably can't. I'm not even going to try. They would just tell Zeus and he would cast me into the underworld and that would be bad. I mean not if you're Nordic but bad for me I guess. I should stop. Okay what am I going to do with this? I looked over at Spencer, he's been my best friend since before I remember Gabe, Spencer, and I used to be really close. Wonder why Gabe and I aren't that close anymore. Probably something Zeus didn't let me remember. I should really figure out how I'm going to get Eris and Enyo's attention. I could try to talk to Enyalius, Enyo and Ares's son. He's okay, I've only really met him once. He was only there for a minute asking Ares for something. I don't know what though, but if you popped out of a destruction goddess I'm pretty sure you're gonna wanna see Someone like Odin fall. Especially if you're greek. There's no way he hates me, unless Andy did something that I don't remember. I doubt that though. Andy wasn't as obnoxiously annoying as I am. Plus many people have a hard time telling Ares and this son apart from him. Ares likes me, at least I hope, I mean I spent 9 years with him and his sister. Mostly him. Enyalius should be cool with me. I hope anyway. How would I hit him up? Didn't he live in Sparta? Maybe he's still there. I stood up using Spencer's shoulder as leverage. I gained my balance back and went inside. Gabe was at the kitchen table typing away at his laptop.

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