Alex-Chapter 14

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She wants me to kill her. I do hope she understands that it's just not going down like that. I don't care if I have to tie her down to a chair and send her To Zeus so he can fix her. But I'm not going to kill her I don't operate that way. Callie is my sister and I would never do anything to hurt her. Intentionally anyways. I'm stuck here for the moment pacing around this little hotel room wondering what my next move will be. I'm not really sure whether or not I should go home yet. I don't want to go back and only be able to tell them that now Spencer is crazy and Callie wants me to kill her next time we meet. Virgo will probably have a heart attack and Gabe would find Spencer and kick the crazy out of him. As for the others I don't really know how they would react. I wonder what Callie's gonna do. She just looks away to talk to her father whom I think is a big a-hole. I honestly don't see why Callie trusts this quote on quote father of hers. He seems like an untrustworthy person it's only pointing her in the wrong direction with her friends and separating her from the people that care about her the most. She's becoming a different person because of him and I think it has to come to a stop. But she says her father is a God and I don't really see how a little zodiac can take on a God and win. Not me not alone anyway I get turned into a pile of Ash or worse. Alone I don't stand a chance against much of any of the Gods even all of us probably couldn't take a God Like Zeus or even Ares really. But some of us are pretty charismatic and we might be able to talk this father of hers into fixing her. I hate to refer to it as fixing her because she's not really broken she's just changed for the worse. I just don't know a better term to use at the moment. I paced around the room debating on whether I should drive the rest of the way home or wait on Callie. I really don't like driving in the slightest way. I have actually decided to drive down the never-ending Road to home once again. I hate the road. Especially when there's at least 6 hours of it in front of you. And you don't have anyone to spend those hours with just you and your own thoughts. I stared at the tires of the person in front of me for almost 5 minutes just following their same rotation nothing but a straight road in front of me. This straight road is the only thing between me and my family and friends. It was night when I finally did get home nobody was awake seeing as it was almost 3 a.m. as I walked inside I noticed a luminescent glow in the living room almost like a laptop, Gabe? I slowly walked around the corner to the living room to see the glowing laptop in the lap of none other than our very own Gemini. When I knocked on the door frame the room Gabe's head shot up shocked. We talked for a few moments before I crawled up the stairs to my room for sme time.

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