Alex-Chapter 12

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So I'm driving Sara's car to New fuckin' mexico because evidently that's where Callie and Spence are at the moment. Why they went so far I have no clue but I guess they could have gone further. It's gonna talk me like 12 god forsaken hours at least to get there. No I'm not a big fan of long ass car rides. I hate them. Especially when I'm the one driving. It's not like there's anyone else in this hell bound metal peice of trash to keep me occupied. Why am I rating like this it isn't that bad jeez I'm a fuckin baby. So I'm driving. I will be driving for another 10 hours what does one do while diving for such an immense amount of time woah wait did I just think 'Diving' what the hell is wrong with me? Where did I go wrong. Probably when I decided to stick around with the sociopaths that kidnapped me, but that hasn't gone entirely wrong yet. I wonder how my cat's doing. Probably dead. Seriously What are you supposed to do when you're sitting a large hunk of metal that is somehow moving on four large round rubber balls. Why is it raining I don't like this I don't like being in big metal death traps alone. Oh look a Chipmunk hmm it better move cause I'm not gonna swerve just to miss a little rodent. It hopped away probably fully aware that it's little almost three year life span depended on it. As I drove the only thing I could do was think. Who am I? Am I really Alex or am I a reflection of this guy I've never meet That everyone wants me to be. I really don't understand I mean I guess I'm a bit of both. Ares and Athena gave me some of his memories but I feel like I was just looking at a piece of the past that could never be live again when I think of them. But for some reason I can feel his ideals, His emotions, his feelings a little bit every time I'm actually paying some sort of attention. I can always feel a sort of consciousness that isn't my own. It's someone else's and I feel like I'm disappointing whoever it may be. That makes no sense though right? I might as well spend the last 8 hours figuring out who I am. I will always need to remember though that I am Alex but I am also Aries I will always have someone to fall back on. I always have people to trust. Who am I. I mean before Callie and The rest I was really... realistic, I was really hard to get along with because of it, I've always been sarcastic and there's just nothing to change that. I am A mushy version of my old self. Where did all the hatred for the world go? Is it still there? What do I do once it comes back? Why am I thinking about these things? I looked up the road seemed endless. The rain made it worse. I wonder how they would feel if I crashed in an old hood motel for the night. Cause it's getting dark. I don't wanna drive in the dark, who does. The darkness makes it harder to see things through your already rainy windshield. My gas light turned on with a haunting 'DING' That in the dead silence of the car scared me out of my skin.I'm gonna take that as my sign from the big Z that I should stop for the night. I pulled into the next gas station off the interstate and pulled up to a pump. Even though it was raining harder than it does in a typical thunderstorm an its in the middle of the night there was a woman at the pump across from me. She had jeans on and a band tee of some sort. She shivering I could hear her huffing the cold air. Yeah it was a cold night. 'Why don't you ask her if she knows where there's a good hotel' Good idea!

"Um Hey. Are you from around here" She jumped at the sound of my voice

"Me?" She asked

"No I was talking to the damn gas pump. Yes you" She rubbed her hands together taking the nozzle thing out of her car.

"No I'm not. Sorry" I swore in my head. I checked the pump to see how much cash I'd just spent on gas before I pulled the nozzle thingy out of the car.

"Do you happen to know where there's a nearby hotel?" She nodded yes!

"Yeah I'm staying in the Holiday Inn just a couple miles away. You could follow me there if you want" I smile in thanks and nodded.

"Thank's your really helping me out a lot." She nodded and got in her car, I gotta admit she's blunt. I don't mind though it makes things easy. I got into my car and pulled up behind her small honda and followed her there. Where we exchanged numbers and talked for maybe an hour in the mud room of the hotel. I went up to the nice marble topped front desk to check in. The dude gave me room 58 on the second floor. I got into the elevator and glared at the doors that took nearly a full 5 minutes to re open. IT'S ONE FLOOR HOW COULD IT BE SO HARD! After I finally got to my room I got maybe three hours of sleep then checked out. It's still kinda dark out, but I'll survive. I got back into that lonely hunk of metal and listened to the engine turn as I twisted the key inside the ignition. I only have a short 3 hour drive to go. I was maybe three miles down the road when the sun started to come up. I just realize how mad Callie's gonna be when I just randomly show up invading on her time alone with Spencer. Too bad. I'm too close to just not go through with it. The last few hours of driving was... Lets just say I should wear a don't try this at home sign around my neck at all times. I made it to Callie's motel room without dying. That's the important part, right. I knocked on the front door. Callie opened it up, damn I missed her, and I saw Spencer in the kitchen-ish area drinking a coffee. He looked pissed. Did I take too long?

"Hey Callie." I stepped in and she closed the door. Spencer saw me and all I saw in his eyes for me was bitter rage, and a little bit of hurt. He took out his sword.

"Woah Spence calm down" I put my hands out before drawing my own sword. It didn't ignite for some odd reason hmm maybe it doesn't do that while fighting a fellow Zodiac

"You honestly want me to calm down after you did that to us!?" I don't know why but I could feel my throat swell shut. I never did anything to either of them. No I won't show this weakness. I swallowed the weakness like Ares taught me.

"Spencer I didn't do anything to you. Or Callie. I don't know what your talking about." He raised his hand and gracefully slammed his sword against mine right above my head

"YOU KNOW EXACTLY WHAT YOU DID!" His voice ripped through my skull like a bullet through butter. Strong blows flew from his sword only to be stopped with my own. With each blow and stop came words from our throat. In the heat of our argument Callie and Spencer just poof away. I look around myself confused for a moment. Then I slide my necklace back on and sit on the floor mentally preparing myself to drive all the way back home. I hate traveling so much.

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