Callie-Chapter 11

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I didn't really enjoy Disney I mean I couldn't Spencer loved it he made us go on every single ride. When we went to the hotel room I turned to Spencer

"Have you ever been to New Mexico?"

He shrugged "Probably"

I looked down "Would you like to go again?"

He nodded "Sure"

I snapped and we were standing in a motel in New Mexico he turned to me "Callie!"

That took me off guard I turned to him "What?"

He sighed " You said you wouldn't use your powers"

Then I went all monotone and robot like it was a habit that kicked in "Sorry."

He sighed then looked around "I'll get us a room, stay put"

Stay put Stay put

That took me back to when old me couldn't leave the house it was to "dangerous" I scowled I didn't understand why Luke hasn't came after us yet I then let him remember all the bad I did. I wanted Spencer to see our family how I saw them the horror that went through my head when Alex dragged me to Odin they hated me, that much they told me. I felt so useless to do anything but father helped me maybe he would help me know I knew the second I said his name I heard his voice in my head

Yes dear, I will help you

I looked worried what you're going to help me have Spencer see what I see?

He replied I will dear

I frowned how?

I heard his cold laugh how I taught you off course

I shook my head no no not that way. Their was silence then I heard him fine. I will let Spencer remember You're truth

I walked towards the door wait what? My truth?

He laughed don't worry he'll be on your side soon enough

I shook my head no no no no

I heard him clap whoops too late no worries I'm sure he will want to travel far far away now

My fingers were digging into my skin what did you do

He laughed see for yourself

I knew he was gone I flung around looking everywhere then I saw him collapsed on the ground no no no no. I ran to him and I snapped and we were in a room ok ok. I can fix this. Heal him. I got this. I turned around and got a cold cloth and put it on his head I slowed my breath and was getting ready to fix it when he jolted up gasping and I looked crushed it was too late. I silently hoped whatever Odin did it wasn't that bad. I stood their waiting. Finally he looked at me he looked really mad crap. He got up and hugged me

"I'm so sorry"

I raised a brow "hmm?"

He sighed "I can't believe Alex would-i can't-"

He stopped then looked at me "we need to get revenge"

Crap. "Um no"

He looked at me as if I were crazy "why not?!"

I gave a slight smile "remember our deal?"

He sighed "but Alex! He betrayed us!"

I looked down "I know.. But it's fine"

He sighed "at least tell them where we are, so if they come we can fight them"

I shook my head "no i-"

He looked at me "please?"

Finally I sighed and snapped my fingers and I gave Alex our exact location. I turned to him I didn't feel good about this but apart off me really wanted someone on my team it made me happy I wasn't alone but one small part of me knew this was a terrible, horrible idea and I need to stop it. Lucky my human side took a step back when the other part of me got excited.

This should be fun. But I'm not going to let anyone harm Alex not until I have words with him.

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