Alex-Chapter 10

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I sat in the kitchen sharpening my combat knife on my whetstone. Violet was reading a book waiting for the oven to beep. You could faintly smell the bread that was cooking. Everyone was like a ghost of their former self. I don't wanna say that we're falling apart but we aren't as much as a group, a team as we once were. Without Spencer Gabe's been lost in the monotone word of code after code. Without Callie Everyone has been completely devoid. I know that they're okay. That's enough for right now. I'm just trying to push things off for now, but I know they'll be back to haunt me tomorrow. I swiped cleanly along the blade of my knife. I took a napkin and wiped the little bit of dust off the knife. This bitch is sharp enough to shave with, but I'm not going to. For two reasons 1) I'm trying to keep what very little facial hair that I have. 2)I'm not about to shave with a sharp combat knife. That's like saying 'Hey can I have a bunch of cuts and scars all over my face, please.' Luke came in the room.

"Hey Alex." I looked up at him as he sat down across from me

"Yeah?" His expression was serious, I wonder why.

"Do you know when Spencer is coming back with Callie?" I shrugged

"I've been trying to get ahold of Spencer to ask him, but his phone's off" His expression got a bit more grim

"Okay, Thanks man... I've just kinda missed doing things with her. Like when we're out back shooting and it's just me and Sara, I doubt either of us are looking at the empty target between us knowing that Callie's arrows should be promptly sticking out of the middle, or if she's had a rough day then they'd be a little off. It's just I guess. I miss the old Callie... I miss just talking to her without a machine talking back." I nodded and squeezed his shoulder to let him know I'm still here for him and not even death can can change that.

"Luke, We all do. This team has been together since the very moment each of us were born,We have fought for eachother, feared for each other, DIED for each other, cared for eachother longed for each other. We all live for each other and nothing is going to change that anytime soon, Luke. Callie forgetting everything or remembering it wrong it's just a little set back. We still care about her. We just want to help her, so that she can realize why we care about her so very much. And to do that we've got to give her a little bit of tough love. Why do you think this has been so hard for us all. It's because the nature of Humans and Gods alike always want to protect the people we care about. I think that's amazing. We aren't hurting Callie because we feel we're supposed to protect her. That's what we are doing. We just need to pull her back into her family. We all know she wants to somewhere deep inside." I took a deep breath and realized I'd somehow gotten the attention of everyone in the house. They were all standing around me and Luke teary eyes and faint smiles. Virgo was the first to speak

"Your growing up so fast. More and more like Andy and Aries every waking day" She hugged me. I accepted it awkwardly. Luke nodded I could tell his throat was swollen up with tears. I've missed being this close to everyone but this picture would be so much better with Callie and Spencer. I miss them so much.

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